首席技术设计师但丁·贾科萨立即着手研发工作,1956年Fiat 600 Multipla问世。 Fiat 600 Multipla采用单箱设计,车身就是一个薄壳子,这极大降低了制造成本,车身长度为3432毫米,车身宽度为1450毫米,整备质量只有580千克。动力为一台排量0.767升的4缸发动机,后期版最大功率32马力,传动系统为4速手动变速箱,最高车速96公里...
FIAT 600 Multipla 1956-1969 Click on picture to access gallery and review Fiat 8V 1952-1954 Fiat Turbina Prototype 1954 Fiat 8V Coupé Ghia 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Berlinetta 1953 Fiat 1500 Touring 1949 Fiat 1100S Berlinetta 1947 FIAT 508 and 508S Sedan, Spider and Berlinetta Aerodinamica 1932...
16:39-La Revue Automobile-28 "Future Abarth 600e" samedi 27 janvier 2024 C3 Aircross 2, Opel Frontera, Fiat 600 Multipla : même combat en 7 placesCela ne se voyait pas, pourtant la première mouture du Citroën C3 Aircross, celle qui remplaça le C3 Picasso en 2017 partageait sa ...
#汽车影相# Fiat 600 Multipla û收藏 26 8 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...汽车博主 汽车达人 Ü 简介: 新车资讯、车评导购、汽车热图、精彩视频 更多a 微关系 他的关注(229) MrAuto车先生 纪录片之家 微博积分 车事勇...
The 1956 Multipla went from people carrier to van with completely fold-flat seats (and you thought those were a new fad!) in seconds, and the spare wheel was in the glove box, sorta. It was rear-engined and rear-wheel drive with an 800cc engine giving it just 30bhp, though still ...
IS this new Fiat 500L a cynical marketing ploy or a natural progression of an iconic car? Well, Fiat already has form here: back in 1956, it created the 600 Multipla, a people carrier based on a little hatchback (only it wasn't a hatch because it was rear engined - but you get ...
This 1959 Fiat 600 Multipla was purchased by the seller five years ago from the original owner, a Fiat enthusiast who reportedly imported the car to the US in the early 1960s. A refurbishment was completed in 2018 and included rebuilds of the 600cc inline-four and 4-speed manual gearbox,...
Fiat Multipla 1965 7320 km 白色的 NC 7 出售 Fiat 600 Jolly 1961 27000 km 淡蓝色 NC 9 出售 Fiat 600 Viotti Coupe 234978 1957 71000 km 蓝色 NC 无 7 根据要求 Fiat 500 Giannini TV 988999 1968 30000 km 深蓝色 2 无 7 22 000 EUR ...
#汽车影相# Fiat 600 Multipla k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 13 6 ñ4 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 最自贡 03月17日 12:48 #自贡身边事# 胜利就在眼前!这位手舞足蹈的医护人员来自我们自贡!
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