Fia is the deathbed companion inElden Ring, and her questline’s sole purpose is to lie down with the Prince of Death, Godwyn. She wants to bring an age of Duskborn by completing the Elden Ring with the Rune of Death-Prince to achieve this goal. Fia’s questline occurs across most o...
If you’d like to check out moreElden RingNPC side quests, try our guides forMillicent’s questandBlaidd’s storylineas well. And if you’re really looking for allElden Ringhas to offer, here’s how to getall endings, and everything to know aboutnew game plus....
Fia's quest inElden Ringis one of the more involved NPC questlines you'll face during your journey, taking you all over the the Lands Between as you collect items and meet more weird friends and foes in order to advance it. This quest is second in complexity only toRanni’s quest, an...
In this guide, we'll cover how to find Fia and begin her quest, how to progress her storyline, the outcomes of choices you might make along the way, and how it'll affect Elden Ring's ending. As you'd imagine, this will contain some endgame spoilers, so leave now if you want to...
Fia is an NPC in Elden Ring. She can be found in the Roundtable Hold. Talking toFia about her questlinewill reveal that in exchange for a hug, she will bestow a blessing on you. This doesn’t seem like a bad deal but it has an unadvertised side effect. This guide is here to hel...
在线看[Longplay] ELDEN RING [11/13] Ranni's quest.. 6小时 20分钟 1秒。22 5月 2022的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 35 — 已浏览。
How to kill Charlie and Fia with one bullet in Deathloop? Killing Charlie and Fia together earns you the Violent Delights achievement, so if you are a completionist, you will want to try this. To access the bunker where both are meeting, you must have completed the Main Questline Mission:...