富士通图像扫描仪 fi-8170 技术新升级,效率新高度 ■ 质量可靠 - 先进进纸和光学技术 ■ 优质图像 - 为您提供质量保证 ■ 纸张处理 - 放心扫描 先进进纸技术 - 简化工作流程 在"手动进纸模式"下,fi-8170 可扫描复 写纸,在不使用文档护套的情况下即可支 持厚达 7 mm 的护照或小册子.通过对塑 料卡片和...
fi-8170 提供非同凡響的全新掃描體驗。機身小巧,質量可靠,一次可放置多達 100 張紙,掃描速度達 70 ppm / 140 ipm(200 / 300 dpi、彩色、A4、縱向)。“自動分紙控制”助力大批量掃描 “影像監控”技術和聲音技術提供“紙張保護”功能 “Clear Image Capture”優化高質量影像資料 輕鬆掃描護照和小冊子等各種類型...
Integrated TWAIN & ISIS driver connectivity--works with hundreds of scanning software solutions. Kofax® VRS Elite certified Federal Government Compliant: TAA Available and EPEAT Gold rated View Specifications Next-generation, Market-leading Scanner Made for demanding workflows, the compact fi-8170 sca...
优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券 详细参数 品牌:富士通(FUJITSU)产品型号:Fi-8170类型:扫描仪 光学分辨率:1000DPI以下幅面尺寸:A4产品定位:办公 扫描方式:馈纸式扫描元件:CCD一键自动生成双层可检:不支持 身边苏宁 全国300多个城市,上万个门店和服务终端期待您的光临,为您提供贴心的服务!
品牌: FUJITSU 商品名称:FUJITSUfi-8170 商品编号:100057894558 货号:1 类型:馈纸式 分辨率:600dpi 最大幅面:A4 感光元件:CIS 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。 如因质量问题或故障,凭厂商维修中心或特约维...
Fujitsu Document Scanners are now Ricoh Document Scanners LEARN MORE Desktop DISCONTINUED The world's most popular business scanner,* the fi-7160, has been upgraded and is now thefi-8170. The newfi-8170 document scanner, backed by 32 new patents, combines your favorite features of the fi-7160...
Speed: 40 ppm/80 ipm ADF Capacity: 50 sheets Expected Daily Volume: 6,000 sheets Learn more fi-8170 Speed: 70 ppm/140 ipm ADF Capacity: 100 sheets Expected Daily Volume: 10,000 sheets Learn more fi-8270 Speed: 70 ppm/140 ipm
Fujitsu Document Scanners are now Ricoh Document Scanners LEARN MORE Desktop Network 4.3 8 ReviewsWrite a Review Made for demanding workflows, the compact fi-8170 employs innovative feeding technologies and proprietary Clear Image Capture (CIC) technology to deliver industry-leading reliability. ...
Made for demanding workflows, the compact fi-8170 employs innovative feeding technologies and proprietary Clear Image Capture (CIC) technology to..
Fujitsu fi-8170 Deluxe Bundle Professional High Speed Document Scanner with PaperStream Capture Pro Features: The next generation scanning excellence: Built upon the best-selling scanner platform in document scanners. Includes award winning software, PaperStream Capture Pro Fast and ro...