- Skew Reducer - Paper Protection Technology Comes bundled with the latest scanner driver and image capturing software - PaperStream IP –our scanner driver that supports TWAIN / ISIS™ - PaperStream Capture –our capturing software that seamlessly links with PaperStream IPTop...
file:/// (1/3) [2008/10/30 15:13:50] 2.4 Scanning Documents 4. In the application, invoke a scanner driver. file:///
软件介绍: 富士通掌纹扫描仪的驱动程序FUJITSU PalmSecure SensorDriver,网上搜集到的,比较难找的资源,这里共享一下,有需要的网友可以下载。 上传者:weixin_38743968时间:2019-09-02 富士通fi6125la扫描仪驱动 v9.21 官方最新版 富士通fi6125驱动适合购买了该型号扫描仪的用户进行使用,扫描仪要想正常的和电脑进行连接,就...