不仅是这些on FHIR 项目,越来越多的机构发现FHIR的价值,将自己原来的数据模型改为FHIR。例如美国互操作核心数据集USCDI(U.S. Core Data for Interoperability) 起初采用通用临床数据集CCDS作为模型,如今已经完全采纳FHIR,并且成为美国国家FHIR标准US Core的一部分。FHIR也得到了很多国家采纳作为国家级卫生信息互操作的...
{"resourceType":"Patient","id":"abcd1234efgh5678hijk9012","meta":{"lastUpdated":"2023-05-30T00:48:07.8443764-07:00","profile": ["http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-patient"] } } Example – How to reference a non-default supported FHIR profile ...
"url": "http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-patient", "version": "3.1.1", "name": "USCorePatientProfile", "title": "US Core Patient Profile", "status": "active", "experimental": false, "date": "2020-06-27", "publisher": "HL7 US Realm Steering Committee",...
Profile和StructureDefinition: 如果您需要在多个资源实例中使用相同的自定义属性,您可以创建一个FHIR Profile或StructureDefinition来定义这些自定义属性。这允许您为资源定义一个标准化的扩展集合。 示例: { "resourceType": "StructureDefinition", "id": "patient-extension", "url": "http://example.com/fhir/pr...
これには、ページ トークンや高度な検索フィルターが含まれる場合があります。 例: Azure ページ トークンの場合 ct=<value>、Google ページ トークンの場合 _pageToken=<value>、検索フィルターの場合 probability=gt0.5&family:contains=son&subject=Patient/{guid}。
public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PATIENT The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.PAYMENT_NOTICE public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT_NOTICE The FHIR resource type defined in STU3 and R4.PAYMENT_RECONCILIATION public static final HealthcareFhirResourceType PAYMENT...
Smart data management to aggregate data to provide a single view of the patient. For Telehealth and Elderly Care Care Management Platform FHIR-native implementation of business processes such as remote monitoring, appointments, claims, etc.
-- Create table with HEAP, which is not indexed and does not have a column width limitation of NVARCHAR(4000) CREATE TABLE StagingPatient ( Resource NVARCHAR(MAX) ) WITH (HEAP) COPY INTO StagingPatient FROM 'https://{{yourblobaccount}}.blob.core.windows.net/{{yourcontainer}}/Patient.ndjso...
CoreModuleDescriptionJava API-stable fhir-parent The parent project for all projects which make up the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server false fhir-core Core helpers and utilities false fhir-cache Cache-related helpers and utilities falseModel and Profile SupportModuleDescriptionJava API-stable fhir-model An...
fhir-ig-us-coreA packaging of the US Core Implementation Guide for extending the IBM FHIR Server with US Core Profile validationfalse fhir-ig-mcodeA packaging of the minimal Common Oncology Data Elements for extending the IBM FHIR Server with minimal Common Oncology Data Elements Profile validation...