FHIR 标准通过模块化的资源(Resource)结构化医疗数据。每个资源表示不同的医疗对象,如Patient(患者)、Observation(观察记录)、Procedure(医疗过程)等。这些资源通过 RESTful API 进行访问和操作,且资源之间可以相互引用,形成一个完整的医疗数据网络。 在我国,基...
对于具有特定订单(数字、日期和数量)的搜索参数,可以在参数值之前使用 前缀 来优化搜索条件(例如, Patient?_lastUpdated=gt2022-08-01 前缀gt 表示“大于”)。 Azure Health Data Services 中的 FHIR 服务支持在 FHIR 标准中定义的所有前缀。搜索结果参数FHIR 指定一组搜索结果参数,以帮助管理从搜索返回的信息。
While having complete information is important, document-based exchange doesn't allow a provider to delve into the context of the data received. Lab results, for example, may be a critical component of a patient’s care, but these alone do not tell that patient’s full story. I...
{{fhirurl}}/Patient 选择“持有者令牌”作为授权类型。在“令牌”部分输入{{bearerToken}}。选择“正文”选项卡。选择“原始”选项,选择 JSON 作为正文文本格式。将以下文本复制粘贴到正文部分。 复制 { "resourceType": "Patient", "active": true, "name": [ { "use": "official", "family": "Kirk"...
WarningThis is an experimental feature. No guarantees that there won't be changes to the default resource tables or the way data is displayed. It is possible to customize the tables displaying FHIR resources in thePatient Recordview. This allows changing the type of resources displayed and the ...
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "batch", "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:9d697ec3-48c3-3e17-db6a-29a1765e22c6", "resource": { "resourceType": "Patient", "id": "9d697ec3-48c3-3e17-db6a-29a1765e22c6", ... ... }, "request": { "method": "PUT", "url":...
Indicates information about patient statements of medication taken. Observation6 Indicates information about a medical observation. Procedure7 Indicates information about a procedure performed. Applies to ProductVersies Xamarin iOS SDK12 In dit artikel ...
ServiceRequestinstance;baDiagnosticReportinstance refers toObservationsunder “result”;caMolecularSequenceinstance carries the reference sequence and variant information;danObservationinstance carries clinical interpretation;eadditionalObservationscan carry further analysis information. Arrows depict the inter-resource ...
save(fields=['active']) # `await organization.patch(active=True)` would do the same PATCH operation # Get patient resource by reference and delete patient_ref = client.reference('Patient', 'new_patient') # Get resource from this reference # (throw ResourceNotFound if no resource was found...