In many cases, the applicant is responsible for the appraisal costs. The price of the appraisal is usually included in theclosing costsyou pay when you close on your loan. Lenders typically require you to pay the cost of an appraisal at the time of application. How much does an FHA apprai...
Unfortunately, some sellers see the FHA loan as a riskier loan than a conventional loan because of its requirements. Theloan's more lenient financial requirements may create a negative perception of the borrower. And, on the other hand, the stringent appraisal requirements of the loan may make ...
Once you make an offer on a home and it’s accepted, you’ll need to schedule an inspection and appraisal to make sure the home is in good condition, and that it’s worth enough to secure your loan. If the home appraises for too little, you may have to make a larger-than-...