For example, as seen in this video of the behaviour in Valentine's 2023 (NA) CQ, the observed charge gain on Romulus-Quirinus's Arts card is 54.15% with the card dealing 0 overkill hits on Artemis; however the expected charge gain should be 72.19% with the card dealing 2 overkill hits...
降临者(Foreigner)是《Fate》系列作品中登场的Extra职阶之一,作为作品系列中对英灵进行定位的用语。职阶介绍 降临者(Foreigner),本意是外来者,不是当地的人,也有种非我族类的意思。该词汇最早出自《Fate/EXTELLA》中巨神阿蒂拉的介绍。《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》中阿基米德也称阿蒂拉的真实职阶为Foreigner。作为该职...