1. 轻质高强:fgmFoam 密度低,重量轻,但强度较高,能有效减轻结构重量,降低能耗。 2. 环保节能:fgmFoam 采用可再生资源制成,不含有害物质,对环境友好。同时,其热传导性能优良,能有效降低能耗,实现绿色建筑。 3. 耐久性强:fgmFoam 具有良好的抗压、抗拉、抗冲击等力学性能,能承受较大的荷载和恶劣环境条件,使用...
1.files文件中的FOAM_LIBBIN全部修改成FOAM_USER_LIBBIN,以更改子模型动态库的生成位置用于链接。 2.files文件中查找lib关键字,并添加FGMFoam作为标志符,区别原有的标准库名。 3.options文件中,包含目录(EXE_INC)的路径变量做出修改,包含修改后的库路径指向$LIB_FGM_SRC而非原有的$LIB_SRC。 4.options文件中,...
FGM (Flamelet Generated Manifolds) 模型与火焰面方法具有相同的思想,即多维火焰可被视为一维火焰的合集。FGM模型的特征还在于存储和检索过程。除了混合分数之外,本研究引入了另一个控制变量,即反应进度变量来考虑不稳定过程,这可以捕捉喷雾燃烧中的自燃现象。本研究中使用的FGM模型可以总结为如下步骤: (1) 一维火焰面...
FoamThermomechanical behaviourIn this study, the effect of foam structure on the thermomechanical behaviour of high void ratio porous FGM piezoelectric smart nanoplates is investigated.#The material of the smart nanoplate consists of PZT-4 on the bottom surface and BaTiO3on the top surface and is...
The homogenizations between ceramic and metal phases within the ribs, as well as between the FGM lattice structure and foam, are governed by the rule of mixtures. Based on the transferred Kelvin–Voigt viscoelastic scheme, the dynamic moduli of the foam portion are acquired. Because viscoelastic ...
本研究开发的新型求解器基于开源CFD框架OpenFOAM的标准喷雾求解器sprayFoam。笔者为FGM存储和检索算法创建了新的库,并将它们动态链接到用于喷雾燃烧的自定义求解器。用非定常雷诺时均法 (URANS)在欧拉框架中描述气相。压力和速度方程由PIMPLE算法耦合,该算法结合了著名的PISO和SIMPLE算法,确保了稳定性和准确性。液相被...
FOAMSILICON nitrideThis study investigates the thermomechanical buckling properties of sandwich plates containing functionally graded layers, isotropic layers, and foam core layers. The sinusoidal high order shear theory is employed as a modeling tool to accomplish this objective. The energy equation of ...
The governing equations are formulated using Hamilton's principle and resolved by the Navier method, integrating temperature, Lorentz, and viscoelastic effects. The primary characteristics examined encompass graphene volume fraction, temperature fluctuations, nonlocal effects, foam porosity, and magnetic ...