I don't know why the mods haven't permabanned them considering 98% of what they post is obvious flame bait. I stopped bothering reporting them since apparently the mods don't care. Oh sorry I forgot that this subforum exists only for you and the other 3 people to mindlessly complain ab...
While it's impossible to tell whether all of the "hints" given by Rockstar are intentional or just fans looking way too deeply into it is still up for debate, it may still give a glimpse into what's on the horizon for the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Related: GTA 6 Map Leaks: Every...
Neither of which has anything to do with loot, but you keep going off. Don’t out yourself like this, you haven’t a fucking clue what you are talking about when it comes to parsing, see below. Notice how his 100 is with 79 other logs posted, and whi...
Before initiating any work, it’s essential to define your goals for the loft conversion. Determine what you want to achieve with the new space — whether it’s creating an extra bedroom, adding a home office, or even developing a self-contained apartment. A clear vision will help you comm...
Riders can apply a VULN UP to mobs, which is mega value. Maxes out at 5 stacks on a mob. ROBOT SKILLS (1) Man… I don’t know what exactly this does. Doesn’t seem too good. (2) An AoE stun that’s pretty good at mitigating damage. ...
Don't bother doing things like Palace of the Dead here, no matter what you're told. That's great for later levels, but early on it's a waste of time with how quickly you can progress in the open world. If the job you're on has a Hunting Log, you can also complete those tasks...
Thank you again for the reply. Jah I've found Ul'dah on the map, thanks so much! I believe me and my friend are gonna focus on leveling and refining our character ideas and whatnot until we naturally come across that location and we'll see what's what then. ...
How Can Mog Station Send My Stuff to Me? What Is the FFXIV Mog Station? How Do I Go to Mog’s Station in Final Fantasy XIV? The Top 15 Items at The FFXIV Mog Station 1. Your Own Wedding 2. Metallic Dyes 3. Fatter Cat Mount ...
Things that in the moment aren't super big but all add up to characterization for the Scions. The explanation of how the Ascians work is another one that pops into my head. I do not know what the right answer is for the fix for the problem I wholeheartedly agree exists about ARR ...