与你相遇在这里多幸运 - 【转载 FF14】最终幻想14 8Bit 缇坦妮雅 天使醒来 FFXIV What Angel Wakes Me Chiptune Cover 猜你喜欢 509006083-迷你世界:兄弟和我闹矛盾,我带着怪物去收拾他,谁赢了 509005347-和平精英:倒地后喊什么最有用?想不到吧! 雷天神-我的世界VS迷你世界:谁能想象这个玩意一口唾沫就把我...
v=teiEHjZoQeY&feature=youtu.be We're back baby. Tell me what other FFXIV songs you want and maybe I'll stop playing long enough to make them lol Download here!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46257182 Talk to me on twitter!: https://twitter.com/EFitchMusic Support me on Patreon!
今回はティターニア討滅戦BGM「What Angel Wakes Me」です!ウィスパーボイスの可愛いらしい曲ですが、僕にはそんな声出せまセン…。下記の2名を迎えてのコラボ企画となります!素敵な声、イラストなので是非ご視聴ください♪ ■特別ゲストボーカル:めたもえさん ( @MetamoeTube ) イラス...
Faded Copy of What Angel Wakes Me Timeworn pages of sheet music containing the full score for What Angel Wakes Me. Fierce and Free Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Fierce and Free. Use to add to your orchestrion list. Figments Orchestrion Roll Music roll for Figments. Use to add to yo...
A Gentleman to Walk with Me A Hopeless Race A Land Long Dead A Light in the Storm A Long Fall A Long Fall (Pulse) A Long Fall (Scions and Sinners: Band) A Long Fall (Scions and Sinners: Piano) A Man Consumed A Mother's Pride A New Hope A New Hope (Orchestral Version) A New...