An issue when selecting the "Visit Another Data Center" subcommand via the character selection screen wherein a portion of the text displayed under "Using the Data Center Travel System" was incorrect. An issue in specific areas on island sanctuaries wherein gathering points did not displ...
An issue when selecting the "Visit Another Data Center" subcommand via the character selection screen wherein a portion of the text displayed under "Using the Data Center Travel System" was incorrect. An issue in specific areas on island sanctuaries wherein gathering points did not display on ...
All in all,FFXIVis a gigantic game filled with so much to do. You don’t have to just beeline the main scenario quests. Take a break. Go fishing. Level up a crafter. Go play minigames in theGold Saucer. Visit your friend’s house and have a chat. Or maybe do none of those thin...
I believe me and my friend are gonna focus on leveling and refining our character ideas and whatnot until we naturally come across that location and we'll see what's what then. Another thank you for your information on FC's and Linkshells, it's much appreciated. Diolch yn fawr. 1...
An issue when selecting the "Visit Another Data Center" subcommand via the character selection screen wherein a portion of the text displayed under "Using the Data Center Travel System" was incorrect. An issue in specific areas on island sanctuaries wherein gathering points did not display on ...
An issue when selecting the "Visit Another Data Center" subcommand via the character selection screen wherein a portion of the text displayed under "Using the Data Center Travel System" was incorrect. An issue in specific areas on island sanctuaries wherein gathering points did not display on ...
Endwalker is nearly here and weve been putting some work into ensuring that you can all find the guides youre looking for as quickly and easily as possible! As many of you likely already know, given the lack of a PTR or Beta testing phase in Final Fantas
For more information, and the complete list of rewards you can obtain, visit the Official Moogle Treasure Trove Page. Moreover, should you need some help with your hunts, check out our Moogle Treasure Trove Event Guide, where you can find specific routes or duties to farm, as well as...
While it can be hard to know where to get all of the Dawntrail mounts, here is a list for the collectors out there who wish to grab the new mounts as early as possible! First of all, while this news will not contain any spoilers, if you do not wish to kn
Finally, the Xbox Beta version is set to be open from around mid-January until February 2024, and anyone on Xbox is welcome to participate in the beta! The Cloud Data center stress test will also be open around November 21.-27. 2023 for North America (East Coast) residents. ...