Very true, don’t waste your money on the gear mentioned in the guide. Short version, just do collectibles and in down time between them farm nearest and highest level nodes with gathering food active and the company times or the script tones that give you extra exp. Reply Runicbeast says...
"Crafting as a Service" - gear you can craft, mats to gather, what you'll need to level Leves for DoH / DoL Gathering Discussion Gathering Node Finder Gathering locations (Google spreadsheet) Materials list for every crafting recipe (Google spreadsheet) Playing with others: Dungeon list (and ...
The Courier <-> Reverse Courier cycle:Maple Picatrixisn’t a huge problem (materials from ALC guild vendor), but it does require 2 synthesis (Ink).Whispering Maple Wand, while seemingly a hassle – you can buy the basic Maple Wand and Growth Formula alpha if you don’t wanna make those...
buy the necessary items from the appropriate vendor, and craft six of the requested items as best you can. You’ll earn plenty of experience points when delivering these items, and you’ll even get “scrips” used to purchase powerful crafting gear....
I went and bought the jewelery items to get to 600 gp not knowing that I wouldn’t have enough perception for any rotation to get me to 450. I had the quest item weapons and the lvl 55 vendor gear from moghome. Not enough. I wasn’t 50 before the expansion, so I didn’t have ...
There’s often a shortage of Tanks and Healers (indicated by the little icon left of the level requirement in the Duty Finder), so using one of these classes will get you a Gil bonus. Don’t forget to exchange your Tomestones (an additional, high level reward) for unique gear and ...
Armoury chest. It’s your first weapon, with which you have to hunt your first three little creatures. These creatures almost always will drop some loot and Gil (lower level creatures will give you just a few), enough to buy some items from any NPC that is a vendor at the best price...
mainmenu_vendor.jpg 355×474 2019/11/23 11:06 39.3 KB mainmenugw2.png 249×450 2015/11/08 20:39 78.2 KB mainmenusetup3.png 289×660 2019/01/20 19:29 77.5 KB mapcomphelper_general.jpg 603×309 2019/11/23 10:31 101.4 KB mapcomphelper_settings.jpg 606×328 2019/11/23 10:03 46.2...
Speaking to a ship vendor will let you sell items directly from your cargo if you are getting close to your vessel's limits.Most Technicians will have multiple new cargo holds as parts for sale that could fit onto your ship. Feel free to remove sections of your ship that you might not ...
Rroneek:Exchange100 Rroneek Horn Tokensat the Splendor Vendor. Tokens can be traded at the Scrip exchange NPC. You need 1000 Orange Gatherer Scrips for one Token, which means you will need100,000 Scripsin total. Mehwapyarra:Exchange for12 Ttokrrone Scales. The scales can be obtained by de...