Related:Final Fantasy XIV: How to Unlock Sil'dihn Subterrane Variant Dungeon Getting the first Manderville Relic is fast for long-time players that have beenenjoyingFinal Fantasy XIVfor years. However, for those that have not done any non-story sidequests, it may take hours. There are a lo...
Unlock Quest:Stranger from Paradise Regular Duty:V&C Dungeon Finder Type:Variant Dungeon Zone:Aloalo Island (Zone) Region:??? (Region) Expansion:Endwalker Background Music:O Speaker Slumber Victory Music:A Victory Fanfare Reborn Tomestones
To get the Silke Whistle in Final Fantasy XIV, youexploretheentiretyof theSil'dihn Subterranedungeon. The actual challenge is called theDig Deep: TheSil'dihn Subterrane achievementunder the Exploration and Duty tab. You must unlock all survey records of the Sil'dihn Subterrane, which requires ...
DeepDungeonDemiclone.csv DeepDungeonEquipment.csv DeepDungeonFloorEffectUI.csv DeepDungeonGrowData.csv DeepDungeonItem.csv DeepDungeonLayer.csv DeepDungeonMagicStone.csv DeepDungeonMap5X.csv DeepDungeonRoom.csv DeepDungeonStatus.csv DefaultTalk.csv DefaultTalkLipSyncType.csv Delivery...
Getting around in the start ofFFXIVcan be quite slow, so to help you move through the game faster, check out our guides onhow to fast travel (or teleport)andhow to unlock your first mount. Playing through expansions When you get into the swing of the game, check...
Magitek Predator is a rare drop from Zenos yae Galvus – the final boss in the Ala Mhigo dungeon. The chance to get this mount is relatively low, so you will likely need multiple successful runs in order to get it. The Raids are significantly harder to complete, but they provide guarante...
LevelNameDescriptionCollapseStats 1 Dosis (Spell) Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300. Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you Cure Potency: 170 300 1.5s 2.5s 300 MP 25y 0y
Related:Final Fantasy XIV: How to Unlock Sil'dihn Subterrane Variant Dungeon Getting the first Manderville Relic is fast for long-time players that have beenenjoyingFinal Fantasy XIVfor years. However, for those that have not done any non-story sidequests, it may take hours. There are a lo...