Technically I could use amazon-pay or paypal, but both failed to go through the last time I tried (for subscription). They rarely work. It is a known issue for years (googlefu). Only non-debit Visa cards work. Using different methods is a pain to setup and a hassle. Should I thank...
The FFXIV i2501 error code is an indication of incorrect payment information or, most probably, of the fact that the credit card issuer finds a suspicious transaction from an unknown source. The full error message states: You cannot use this function. Please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Cent...
And that’s how you can get all of theFFXIV DawntrailTwitch Drops. While there’s still a lot of time to get them, I recommend trying to watch the six hours as soon as you can, as we never know when this mount will ever be available again in the future. Though can you say it’...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs ffxiv-datamining-cn / Picture.csvTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 323 lines (323 loc) · 3.68 KB Raw 1key01 2 # Image Signature 3 int32 Image int32 4 0 0 0 5 1 81001 1 6 2 81002 1 7 3 81003...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 628 lines (628 loc) · 57.3 KB Raw 1key012345678910 2 # Quest UITab Category QuestRedoUISmall QuestRedoUILarge QuestRedoUIWide ChapterName ChapterPart Transient 3 int32 Quest uint32 QuestRe...
I can say the same about FF14, ShB is an outlier and there's no way to tell if the rapid growth is long time trend or it's just a fluke. I tend to think it's the latter. Originally Posted by Swnem There was a leak through the API that showed there being 3M subs. Was ...
Other common errors in FFXIV areerror code i2501andFFXIV error 90002. If you encounter them, we have dedicated articles on how to fix them. At the same time, there is a frequentgreen screen issue on FFX Remasterthat can help you discover and fix this annoying error. ...
The offer is valid through June 23rd, so make sure to you place your orders in time! Read more 03.05.2024 +50% XP Weekend By using coupon code "XP50" for 20$+ orders, you will now receive +50% Free XP with your order! The offer is valid through May 5th, so make sure to ...
master 分支(1) 管理 管理 master 克隆/下载 克隆/下载 HTTPSSSHSVNSVN+SSH下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 为确保你提交的代码身份被 Gitee 正确识别,请执行以下命令完成配置 ...
5) You'll input the code from your registration card. 6) The next screen will tell you the code is from FFXIII, and then give you the codes to redeem for your xbox live avatars (assuming it's the same for everyone). 7) On your xbox, hit the guide button (middle of the controll...