WithFinal Fantasy XIVmaintenance scheduled to begin today, many players are trying to cram in some last-minute weekly tasks before servers go offline for their usual short window. However, thanks to a DDoS attack, players in every Data Center region are facing major issues and disruptions. Recom...
1. Check Data Center Time needed:4 minutes Error 2002 in FFXIV may happen because the game data center is down. And to fix this problem, you need to switch the data center and change it back to the previous one when the error has been fixed. This is the first proven fix you must c...
Switch Schedule and plan tasks Created with Snap So that streamers can use ACR freely without scrutiny Streamable Real keypresses for streamers Created with Snap A whole bunch of tools Husbando's Toolbox Helpful tools These are just some of many addons available in the store. ...
A total of Nine Jobs will be available at launch, and an Armory system will allow you to switch freely: Paladin Warrior White Mage Scholar/Summoner Black Mage Bard Monk Dragoon Ninja Those are the ones pictured on the FFXIV visual created by art team lead Yusuke Mogi: You...
which means that everyone loses out on YEARS worth of progress and work because they're wanting to switch over to a good system. This is the exact same reason why we don't have a World of Warcraft 2 or replacement for all the old stuff, because you're asking people to more or less...
•How many maps did you bot regularly and how often did you switch between them? just LCOA •Did you purchase the accounts used? - 1 account purchased 11 months ago •Meshes: Large or Small, Public or Private? - Public (LCOA half & full) •Have you had any accounts banned pre...
// classType = player.Class switch // { // Class.WAR => typeof(WAR.Actions), // //Class.PLD => player.Level <= 60 ? typeof(PLD.Actions) : null, // //Class.MNK => typeof(MNK.Actions), // //Class.DRG => typeof(DRG.Actions), // //Class.BRD => typeof(BRD.Actions)...
{"version":"11.1.2","content":"### Features\n\n* **db:** add new Dynamis servers.\n\n\n### Bug Fixes\n\n* **admin:** fix character links status check.\n* **alarms:** sort alarms by item id if remaining time is identical.\n* **core:** switch Firestore persistence to ...
Sea Swallows All Unavoidable damage pulls all players into the center. Boss will immediately follow up withConcussive Oscillation. Concussive Oscillation Large AoE circles will be visible on the floor, avoid them. The Governor The Governor can stack up magic vulnerability really quick if you’re ...
(byte index, uint state) switch (state) { case 0x00020001: - _fireLine.Add(new(+Module.Bounds.HalfSize, -Module.Bounds.HalfSize)); - _fireLine.Add(new(-Module.Bounds.HalfSize, +Module.Bounds.HalfSize)); + _fireLine.Add(new(+Module.Bounds.Radius, -Module.Bounds.Radius)); + _...