Randomize Movement: This is for melee it will slightly move your character to different positions around the mob, so you do not seem to be just standing there. Enable Unstuck: when you are stuck it will attempt to use the in game telepot function still pretty buggy i wouldnt enable it yet...
Not even on my base character, let alone with the free retainers. I dunno what fantasy world you're living in but yeah. Damn dude. You are something angry as hell. Might I suggest you take some time from the video games and go outside and roll around in the grass. Maybe Pray, or...
The only time I've made another character myself was to go participate in a wedding and that was before the cross data center travel was a thing. The game itself isn't really designed with Alts in mind, unlike WoW, so i don't think stuff like that would we be done on a global ...
One of the first things you do when you get into game and open your character and UI settings and move stuff around. If you play as a healer, you might want party HP bars to be closer to your field of view. Maybe you want more hotbars on your screen or you want to make the min...
Even now, I truly believe that the Venat we learn about in Shadowbringers is not meant to be the Venat we learn about in Endwalker. Even if by the time our character reaches the events of Shadowbringers, the timeline might already have been altered and the cycle of the WoL going ...
2.1 Alone is the moving from the Waking Sands to the Rising stones, the introduction of Great King Moggle Mog (May his pom always be fluffy), the WoL's first proper introduction to Elidibus, and the character moment of meeting Milfina's mom... That's a LOT of content that can't be...