A must-have forFinal Fantasy XIIIfans, Pulse grants either Snow or Lightning’s hairstyle depending on whether your character is male or female. Chances are theFFXIIIcollab isn’t coming back, so you’ll have to pick this one up on the Mogstation with either the Lightning or Snow attire. ...
The human-like Hyur look fine, but others like the Miqote need quite a lot of changes to make their characters look viable again. That is all before talking about the issues with the Viera. The poor bunny people got the short end of the stick with these graphical changes around their ey...
Elezen - Male/Female Duskwoght - adjustments to the ears to give duskwight the option for longer ears. Viera - modified Veena Height, ears and other settings to convert them into "The Feol" from FFXII Feol Viera are decedent of normal Viera with key differences. Feol tend to have Blond ...