I would argue that if you add something (i.e. spend dev hours) to add something half assed that's a bigger crime. Bingo. Agreed. I've played both games for a very long time. I never really personally experienced much toxicity in WoW. Granted I've never done LFR so maybe that's ...
A high-potency (1200 total) single target HoT with the added benefit of being instant cast, so we can weave a move while using it. It’s still a GCD heal, however, which means it takes the place of casting Glare. Make sure the opportunity cost of using this is absolutely needed, and...
Runescape has bigger sub numbers and there are many F2P/B2P games that you exclude, while they bring more money. Did you relly just compare FFXIV sub numbers to Runescape with zero factual evidence? First of all MMOs these days stopped reporting sub numbers and B even based on concurrent lo...
One of the bigger surprises though, was the second bullet point. Square Enix is expanding the Free Trial from level 35 to level 60, and including all content of the main game and the first expansion, including the new race and classes introduced. And keep in mind this trial is not time-...
As much as I want to open up shop again, doesn't feel like quite the right time to be hawking wares. Things're hard enough for a small business like mine, so imagine what the bigger places must be dealing with! I'd hate to be one of them, that's for sure....
You have your own part to play, I know, and it's bigger than most. So I won't keep you. Just promise that you'll visit from time to time, and I promise I'll have good tidings to share with you when you do. Voiced cutscene start. ...
Hehe glad you liked it :) and lol should have gotten a bigger bag haha! I maxed it out 70% of the time haha… Reply Xariana says: December 18, 2011 at 10:43 pm Wow, love the card! It is so cute/personalized/awesome/adorable! I don’t know how you have time to do all th...
[Roegadyn Male] When the going gets tough, it is often nice to have a big, earnest, slightly credulous friend around—and they do not come much bigger than this straight-talking Roegadyn. Tataru [Highlander Male] Women, wine, war, and women. Just four—alright, three of the things which...