If you’re still completing the expansion and are wondering whether you’re far from the end or simply want an idea of what’s to come, here is thefull list ofEndwalker‘s main scenario quests. AllFFXIV Endwalker’smain scenario quests Level 80 quests The next ship to sail: first quest,...
FFXIV Mounts can be obtained in Final Fantasy 14 at level 20. But there are certain conditions to meet. In the first place, you must have completed the levels of 20 main story quests (MSQ), A Hero in the Making, as well as the company you keep. The questline in which you're intro...
New Main Story Quests A new quest chain will be available to players, which will have the warriors of light befriend an unlikely ally. The quest will introduce the half void-sent “Zero” as a friendly companion who will aid in repelling a void-sent attack in Garlemald. This whole mission...
To add the battle stance to your list of emotes, you will need to complete the main story quest entitled “Causes and Costs” whilst playing Dragoon at the same time. The Beesknees Dance One of the more recent emotes that was added to the game in comparison to others on the list is ...
level 50 on any Disciple of War or Magic and finish the final story quest of A Realm Reborn, "Before the Dawn." Upon entering Ishgard, accept the quest "Our End" from an NPC called "Ishgardian Citizen" in The Pillars (X: 13.2, Y: 8.8) to start the Dark Knight job questline. ...
If you want to unlock Savage Raids, you must completethe Main Story Quest and the normal raid of the expansion. Be aware a lot of players try Savage raiding at least once, but many get discouraged by the difficulty. How to unlock Alliance Raids ...
I am on the level 35 quest and the bnt main quest turn in is now 15 Alligator Pears (HQ). Not sure if the patch changed this. Reply yoruichi sihoen says: May 28, 2015 at 7:24 am that is the 30 lvl class quest u must have skipped it when u deliver it u will get the 35 on...
InMor Dhona (Revenants Toll)there is an NPC ‘Auriana’ near the Aetheryte. This is where you can spend your Allagan Tomestones, all the armor here is higher quality than that of the story quest. Also important to note that if you are doing your ‘A Relic Reborn’ quest, you will ne...
: beast tribe main quest : side story quest : chronicles of a new era quest : seasonal event : delivery quest : duty : FATE : Hall of the Novice : Stone, Sky, Sea : treasure hunt : The Hunt : elite marks : Duty Roulette : expert : Decipher : hard mode : Trials of the Braves ...
Here’s our version of the 2.3 Patchnotes, with a more “human friendly” changelog, haha. This guide has 2 major chunks, 1 – Starting quest locations and what they’re for and 2 – Our notes. Navigation:2.3 Starting Quest List|2.3 Patchnotes...