I am on the level 35 quest and the bnt main quest turn in is now 15 Alligator Pears (HQ). Not sure if the patch changed this. Reply yoruichi sihoen says: May 28, 2015 at 7:24 am that is the 30 lvl class quest u must have skipped it when u deliver it u will get the 35 on...
borntyping/ffxiv-daily-quest-trackermain 1 BranchTags Code Folders and filesLatest commit borntyping Add Allied rank to Endwalker tribes 6a41554· Mar 9, 2024 History20 Commits img Add Loporrit Jun 21, 2023 .gitignore Ignore local notes Feb 12, 2023...
If you use the main scenario quest tracker that points out where to go next, then you should also pay attention when a little exclamation point appears below it, pointing you towards your next class or job quest. Youneedto do these. Some skills are locked behind these quests and it’s v...
I could go on and on, so my question stands what is so great about this mmo that people force themselves through the grind that is main story quest aka msq. I lost count how many time i spent clicking on mouse to go through the long *** conversation during msq, So i would be than...
My PLD main, pops sprint and runs through FF14 dungeons, yes even the first time I ever set foot in it. We get down to the pools where you have to jump around on the platforms where there's tons of slimes. My healing can't keep up and one of them calls me a trash healer bef...
base: main ... compare: main Choose different branches or forks above to discuss and review changes. Learn about pull requests Create pull request Compare and review just about anything Branches, tags, commit ranges, and time ranges. In the same repository and across forks. Example ...
Search for a Main Story Quest Search Two ways to find the main story quest you are on right now:1. By default this quest is shown on the top left of your ingame screen. 2. On the map/minimap they are marked with this symbol ...
Few people are *happy* with the way healers work right now, and while I'll probably main SCH into DT, I'll readily admit that healing goes from very fun to very boring as you move from "progging" into "10th reclear" territory because it honestly feels like SE has designed healers ...
I think the main bug bear is that XIV doesn't allow for multi-role classes. I'd love to be able to DPS on my MRD from time to time, and whilst viable I can't queue for that spot and nor can I match the other classes. But I can see the thinking b...
main 1BranchTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit borntyping Add Allied rank to Endwalker tribes Mar 9, 2024 6a41554·Mar 9, 2024 History 20 Commits img Add Loporrit Jun 21, 2023 .gitignore ...