If you’d like to save as much time as possible, prep skills like Veneration, Innovation, and Great Strides only require two seconds to resolve. For example, the following macro would fire correctly without errors: /ac “Basic Synthesis” <wait.3> /ac “Veneration” <wait.2> /ac “”Ba...
: /wait : /legacymark : /gcsalute : /macroicon : /recast : /gearset : /itemsort : /random : /cleartellhistory : /macrolock : /macroerror : /clearlog : /macrocancel : /playtime : /grouppose : /itemsearch : /idlingcamera : /duelswitch : /beginnerchannelinvitation : /beginnerchannel...
In the first terminal, runyarn build:watchand wait for it to produce at least one set of output files In the second terminal, runyarn electron:startto start electron using the built files. If you're modifying the electron files or the angular files and you want to see the result in the...