LvlLevequestLeve RatingPlateLink 1 East Bank Story Best Catgirl Fishing 1 Lovely Latex meh Lala 1 Waking Wood Best Catgirl Fishing 1 We Couldn't Start the Fire...
Good guides as always. The only suggestion I would throw out there for folks when they first hit 70 is to use the level 70 scrip (350) gear to start off. The gear is cheap enough and the custom deliveries will provide all of the scrips you could need for purchasing the gear. The st...
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Boric's Choice 85 Lvl.85 A Friend in Need 88 Lvl.88 Wayback Machine 90 Lvl.90 Your Friendly Neighborhood Metalworker 90 Lvl.90 Hard to Reed 90 Lvl.90 Hey, Aunt Tii 93 Lvl.93 A Job Quickly Done 95 Lvl.95 Teamwork Makes the Craftwork 95 Lvl.95 A New Kind of Metalwar...
“what should NIN’s pick up in Midas normal”! Is a common question, so here it is! This is a general thing, and people might have varying levels of gear or goals but as a catch-all good enough recommendation: NINM1NM2NM3NM4N ...
Upon reaching level 70, Khloe will give you a new version of the book. This version has 3 rewards per tier, and includes lvl 70 equipment. This also occurs at level 80, and 90 (with level appropriate gear for each upgrade) though still only a max of 3 rewards per tier. Category...
100 lvl job 3. PC license – FFXIV Online Complete Edition Quantity $ 299.99EDT: 4 days Buy Now Wings of Ruin MountYou'll Get; 1. Wings of Ruin mount 2. Skyruin Totems 3. Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics, which you can trade for 700 ilvl gear Requirements: 1. 690 ilvl gear 2....
Laying the Past to Rest 88 Lvl.88 Trail of Skulls 89 Lvl.89 The Gift of Mercy 90 Lvl.90 In the Sting of Things 90 Lvl.90 Causing Problems on Purpose 92 Lvl.92 Living among the Deadly 94 Lvl.94 Taste of a Toxin Paradise 96 Lvl.96 Downed by the River 98 Lvl.98 An...
“Miner Gearset” - the in-game # associated with your mining gearset. If this number is wrong, the bot will be unable to change classes. “Botanist Gearset” - the in-game # associated with your botany gearset. If this number is wrong, the bot will be unable to change classes. ...