70 Bone Chip (50 for the quest) 99 Copper Ore (optional) This part should be easy. After gathering all of those Bone Chips, you should be well past level 5. Return to Adalberta and claim your rewards and gear upgrades. IF Grinding: farm copper ore. Go to top Mining Level 6-10 Min...
Things would be much easier if players could just buy all that competitive, craftable raid gear and material so that they could have a shot at getting into a group for the REAL high-end gear. There are many player to player marketplaces that sell currencies not just for FFXIV, but for ...
Since Astrologians' core function is to provide consistent healing, "of Healing" sets are players' best go-to gear and accessories. These types of equipment provide additional Vitality and Mind stats. These stats significantly increase the HP and MP of those who wear them. There are different ...
Dawntrail 7.1 Account Kujata / 12 Job LV 100 / 24M Gil / 3 Fantasia / ILvl 710 Gear The_Gillionaire Total orders: 180 Member since: 2022 5.0 (16) 20 Minutes $ 230.00 BUY NOW All doh/dol lvl 100, well maintained personal raid ready account with 100m gils. ...
Lvl 5 All4Gamers Total orders: 46,903 Member since: 2018 4.9 (55) Instant Delivery $ 24.49 BUY NOW Trading Information Buy FFXIV Accounts Final Fantasy XIV is more than just the standard loop of leveling and raiding for BiS-gear. In Eorzea, players can participate in many activities, like...
Upon reaching level 70, Khloe will give you a new version of the book. This version has 3 rewards per tier, and includes lvl 70 equipment. This also occurs at level 80, and 90 (with level appropriate gear for each upgrade) though still only a max of 3 rewards per tier. Category...
When I go to the page for 64-70 none of the drop down menus work! I don’t know if it’s just me but I checked on 3 different browsers and had a friend even try. All the other pages work just fine. Kinda bummed because I wanted to see what to get gear wise and what cross ...
Eureka gear. Requirements: Requires BLM Level 70 Item Level 405 Statistics & Bonuses: Physical Damage 93 Magic Damage 93 Auto-attack 101.68 Delay 3.28 DPS 28.35 Intelligence +150 Vitality +146 Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for Unsellable Repair Carpenter (60) + Grade 7...
Eureka gear. Requirements: Requires NIN Level 70 Item Level 405 Statistics & Bonuses: Physical Damage 93 Magic Damage 47 Auto-attack 79.36 Delay 2.56 DPS 36.32 Dexterity +150 Vitality +162 Repairs, Recycle & Style: Sells for Unsellable Repair Blacksmith (60) + Grade 7 ...
Or you go the other route and force healers to stop seeing their GCD heals as a grave sin, and instead something that will be regularly used during prog and while gear levels are low, and still see some use once you have your bis. That then leads into a question of how to tune and...