Not only did the rotation / skill names change TWICE since SHB into EW, the entire System was overhauled pre-EW. Instead of rotating nodes with normal names, it’s SET NON-ROTATING RAREFIED materials. The rotation is also different, but somehow simpler. I’ll update a universal DoL Collecta...
DrawDiscordButton(" Discord", "", buttonWidth); using (ImRaii.PushColor(ImGuiCol.Button, DiscordColor.ABGR)) if (ImGui.Button(" Discord", new(180, 0))) _lastErrorMessage = OpenLink(""); ImGui.SameLine(); Dr...
|- OverlayPlugin |- libs | |- HtmlRenderer.dll | |- Markdig.Signed.dll | |- Newtonsoft.Json.dll | |- OverlayPlugin.Common.dll | |- OverlayPlugin.Core.dll | |- OverlayPlugin.Updater.dll | |- SharpCompress.dll | |- System.ValueTuple.dll | |- websocket-sharp.dll |- OverlayPlugin.dll ...
I'm almost done building the equipment system. Equipping items, unequipping items, and updating the player graphic is completed. All that is left is to implement examining other players. The whole item list had to be uploaded into the server database to do checks like if a item has been ...
+ // + public enum FillRule + { + EvenOdd, + NonZero, + Positive, + Negative + }; + + // PointInPolygon + internal enum PipResult + { + Inside, + Outside, + OnEdge + }; + + public static class InternalClipper + { + internal...