Also, you can toggle the default show/hide functionality by command, so you can macro and hotkey the ability to hide players, which is nice when you only want it in certain areas (coughLimsacough**) but not others. Hiding players by default won't hide their chat or emotes like VoidLis...
New UI! You no longer need to use macros or individual notes assigned to your hotbars, instead you will have a keyboard layout that you can assign hotkeys or controller buttons to. Adjustments to the timing of when the note audio is played. 3 New instruments, for a total of 4 differen...
New UI! You no longer need to use macros or individual notes assigned to your hotbars, instead you will have a keyboard layout that you can assign hotkeys or controller buttons to. Adjustments to the timing of when the note audio is played. 3 New instruments, for a total of 4 differen...