A Final Fantasy XIV Fan Site featuring Guides, Checklists and Resources for the FFXIV Free Trial + New Players. The home of Sprouts. 🌱 ️
Once your privacy settings are correctly configured, head over to the Microsoft Store and search for “Final Fantasy XIV.” You’ll find the free trial version on the product page, which you can download directly onto your Xbox Series X|S. Image: Square Enix Launching the Game Once the set...
5. Exploration Activities on the Free Trial 6. Collectable and Cosmetic Activities on the Free Trial 7. Limitations of the Free Trial 1. Downloading the Free Trial Final Fantasy XIV's free trial is one of, if not the most generous trial period of any game in the same genre. ...
Working your way throughFFXIV’s expansive free trial can be daunting. While you’re learning the basics, you’ll also want to knowwhich is the best job to choosefrom the start. If you want to continue past the free trial, you’ll need to knowhow to buy a su...
‘s free trial on Xbox during this Open Beta period. However, since this expansion is aimed at attracting new players to the popular MMORPG, should you link your Square Enix account to the FFXIV Xbox Beta? In this guide, I’ll answer this question, as well as other cross-progression and...
Dawntrail L90-100 Miner Leveling, Botanist LevelingDawntrail Normal Raid Guide (Quick, Spoiler Free)See: Viper STARTER Guide / Rotation | Pictomancer Starter Guide / Rotation Endwalker tier COMPLETELY UPDATED. At older parts of guide? OPEN THIS Finally, the L80 to L90 portion of the BTN/MIN ...
For money back information, privacy policy, Terms of Service, refund questions, patch update changes, tax info, email address recovery please contact us via the Live Chat support. Also, hit us with your concerns, issues, or suggestions. For further details for fans, like main story guide, se...
How to Join the FFXIV x Yo-Kai Watch Event The Event is open to everyone, so even those on a free trial can participate. However, the collab requires players to be at level 15 and above and have completed the MSQ “The Gridanian/Lominsan/Ul’dahn Envoy” quest; which one you need ...
Each raid typeoffers unique mechanics and rewards, requiring strategic teamwork and personal skill. This guide delves into the different raid formats, their difficulty levels, unlocking requirements, and the rewards they offer, equipping players with essential insights to tackle these high-stakes encounte...
If your service account is not active right now, or you are on a free trial, you can keep the code and register it later on. However, don't wait too long, as Square Enix can add an expiration date for the codes at any moment. For additional information, you can visit the of...