新闻2021.12.31 FANFEST中国限定周边第一弹12/31 14:00开启补款 查看详情>> 中国版制作人来信 10:00 运营活动分享 11:30 开场 11:50 请教一下~吉P! 13:00 吉P散步~中国出差版~ 14:50 完美丝瓜的传奇挑战 16:00 “幻化成你所喜爱的角色吧!”鉴赏会 ...
The final segment of Final Fantasy XIV's Fan Festival tour concluded in Tokyo over the weekend, providing players with a plethora of details about Dawntrail, the next upcoming expansion in FFXIV. The event showcased a new magical, ranged DPS job – Pictomancer, graphical updates, a new ...
在昨日的FFXIV FanFest活动中,《最终幻想8》制作人桥本真司将“最终幻想系列品牌总监”头衔移交给北濑佳范,最终幻想14制作人、导演吉田直树作为司仪参加。北濑佳范是《最终幻想7:重制版》和《最终幻想10》、《最终幻想13》的制作人,他也担任过多部《最终幻想》系列游戏作品的编剧、监制和总监。 ...
One of the coolest parts about FanFest was meeting people from your server. We even ran into someone who one of our group wentto high school with and played on our server.The meetup wall was a great touch, but unless you were paying attention to any other server groups you were a part...
什么是Fanfest? Fanfest是“Final Fantasy Festival”的缩写,意为“最终幻想14嘉年华”,是面向全球的《最终幻想14》玩家举办的大型线下互动活动,首届于2014年举办。今年正值《最终幻想14》国服三周年,盛大游戏携手史克威尔艾尼克斯首次将中国会场引入Fanfest计划,让中国玩家与全球其他地区玩家一同感受《最终幻想14》的超狂...
The Sage is a new healer class inFFXIV. The job focuses on creating barriers and raising allies' defenses in combat. Sages will use projectile weapons called Nouliths, which hover around the player like magic missiles. Based on the trailer that was shown at Fan Fest 2021, it looks as if...
DuringFan Festwe talked about what Reaper can do, but a clearer picture has been painted, thanks to this media event. Reapers build up a Soul Gauge (red bar) and Shroud Gauge (blue bar) and expend a variety of weaponskills this way. Our abilities, basic and off-GCD feed the Soul Gau...
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爱苍穹的落宸创建的收藏夹爱苍穹的落宸内容:【自留档】2024FFXIV FANFEST 交响演奏会可录制部分p3:The Final Day,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
(写在最前面的话:这是第一次参加FANFEST,很激动,拍了很多照片和视频,下文中会发出来一些,如果涉及到不想露脸的光呆,请一定要私信我,我把照片撤下来~) [图片] 盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼到FANFEST在国内举办了!最开始还很担心自己会不会没有抽中,第一轮抽选结束后,