Or the best single: Cheapest and easiest to HQ is Distilled Water. I mean seriously, the mats are so cheap they may as well give it for free. Alchemist 10 to 15 All levequest items below have 100% NPC Buyable Materials. [H] 3x Ether: Unnotable [H] 1x Budding Maple Wand: Avoid ...
New players who want to pile it in with the bots as MCH are in for a bit of work… You need an L50 combat class, which technically is easiest reached by a tank or healer. HOWEVER, I will always recommend another class of the same role so Archer (ARC) into Bard (BRD) would be ...
Tanking is the easiest role in the game by a mile. Everything you react to has a cast bar, your responses are all oGCDs, and your responses are also pretty much binary. It'll gain some of its difficulty back in DT with boss hitboxes being much smaller and presumably bosses not automa...
healers top up team HP, and DPS whittle down enemy HP. There’s no wrong class to start as, since even dedicated healers can take down enemies on their own, but picking a DPS class is generally easier. These classes are the most efficient at killing foes and they have the easiest time...
You need an L50 combat class, which technically is easiest reached by a tank or healer. HOWEVER, I will always recommend another class of the same role so Archer (ARC) into Bard (BRD) would be my shot at a recommendation. Sadly, Machinist is one of three classes that backtrack their ...