Launching normally or as admin invokes the error. My installation is the Steam Version. I've updatedXivAlexander.dll.jsonto include a new entry for my game path: "f:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\FINAL FANTASY XIV Online\\game\\ffxiv_dx11.exe": { "ActorCast": "0x034c", "ActorCo...
{ "GamePath": "path/to/ffxiv_dx11.exe", "Signatures": [ { "Signature": "Signature, e.g. 48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 (Support IDA/olly style)", "Name": "Name", "Offset": 0, // Integer, can be negative "FunctionSize": 0, // The size of function, it can be set to INT_MAX...
Reply to Reply Post by joker9527 (2018-03-11 17:44) win10 dx11也出现了这个情况 检查...
Replace("ffxiv.exe", "ffxiv_dx11.exe"); } public string Loader { get; } public string Path { get; } public string MainProg { get; } public string MainProg_dx11 { get; } } private static FFXIV_Env GetGamePathFromRegistry() { const string root = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
Turning off DirectX 11 from the FFXIV launcher is another great way to fix any game launching-related error. Some legacy hardware might have trouble with running Final Fantasy 14 in DX11, which can cause launcher error messages to pop up. ...
不用DX11可以登陆,会在退出游戏时报错。 使用DX11无法登陆,报错0xc000007b。 目前已经用过DX修复工具,强力修复过了。 游戏文件也已在清除所有文件后,重装在一个没有中文的路径里,仍然无法运行DX11。 想问一下还有没有其他情况是我没考虑到可能解决开DX11无法登陆的问题的... 求遇到过相关问题的dalao支个招,谢谢...
<ConditionSingle Enabled="true" ExpressionL="${_ffxivprocname}" ExpressionTypeL="String" ExpressionR="ffxiv_dx11" ExpressionTypeR="String" ConditionType="StringNotEqualCase" /> </Condition> </Trigger> <Trigger Enabled="true" Name="配置【鲶鱼精邮差】监听端口" Id="16132c5d-96fb-4544-a369...
info: Game: ffxiv_dx11.exe info: DXVK: v1.10-2-g809b446f info: Found built-in config: info: Effective configuration: info: dxvk.shrinkNvidiaHvvHeap = True info: d3d11.cachedDynamicResources = vi info: Built-in extension providers: ...
that Avast would likely have been blocking your screenshots from getting taken and having FFXIV to be allowed within the software will mean that the screenshots will then work as expected. Be sure to be extremely careful when allowing apps though and only allow the ffxiv_dx11.exe andffxiv.exe...