Average The last Tier on our List is dedicated to DPS Jobs that are outshined by the others or simply lack something that would make them "optimal". Now, please note that the following three Jobs are still perfectly viable*for all types of current content, they are just not "the best" ...
This is to ensure that players can fairly compete with the current version of their class, rather than feeling that they can never beat previous numbers. When a new partition is added, all previous parses and rankings up to that point will be saved and stored. All rankings will then be ...
which aren’t always the most “effective” looking ones. This means healing efficiently (but still safely!) in order to maximize your damage output. HPS doesn’t gauge this performance metric at all. In many cases low HPS rankings are better than high ones, but in truth this also isn’...
You have utility skills, use them -As a DPS, you will have a much easier time Raiding than Tanks and Healers will, but that does not mean you should be ignorant of everything but your damage output. Each Job in Final Fantasy XIV has access to a range of utility skills that may help...
It essentially uses the current game's data to play out the battle when you want to review it, and does not actually save a video recording of the duty. The server will record something like: "Player 1 moves to this location and uses Ability A at this time, then receives an Ability ...