Genus:Bird of Paradise (10 P) Genus:Bismarck (1 P) Genus:Bit (18 P) Genus:Blackguard (4 P) Genus:Blasphemous Dagon (2 P) Genus:Boar (21 P) ► Genus:Body Part (2 C, 48 P) ► Genus:Bomb (10 C, 87 P) Genus:Bomb (Object) (9 P) Genus...
In front of the bird statue (North): type/say O dancer of the skies, hear me.Use/blowkiss. Walk around the room one time,clockwise, until you reach the bird again. Use/danceor/thavdance. In front of the whale statue (West): type/say O messenger from beyond the horizon, hear me...