FFXIV - Get the Best Student of Baldesion set of Apparel! ByJaym0 G'raha Tia's Iconic outfit is finally available as a glam set in Final Fantasy XIV! Find out how to get the Student of Baldesion's favorite clothes! It is time to put yourself in your biggest fan's shoes with the...
Even more minor things like Thancred's love for Minifilia or Moenbryda and Urianger. Meme about Moenbryda all you want but Urianger's scene in Endwalker is one of the best things in the game imo and that doesn't hit as hard if you don't know who she is. Things that in the ...
The Data Center selection screen can be accessed from the title screen, where you will have to choose the NA Cloud DC (Beta) - CloudTest01 or CloudTest02, and then create a character to start the game! Characters created on this server will receive 50 million Gil, as well as a...
NA Cactuar Offer Details Lvl 5 theflash247 Total orders: 72,694 Member since: 2022 4.9 (678) 20 Minutes + - M $0.617 / M Gil BEST DEAL $49.36 1 2 3 4 5 Trading Information Getting Cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gils Any Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn player knows the truth: Gil is...
the Market Board. The app will tell you which world on your Data Center has the item for the cheapest. Teamcraft is an organizer for when you need to craft a large number of things or a complicated craft, andFFXIVCrafting Optimizer will help create the best macro for the selected recipe....
var bestPrio = initial != null ? prioFunc(initial) : -1; foreach (var enemy in Hints.PriorityTargets.Where(x => x.Actor != initial && x.Actor.Position.InCircle(Player.Position, maxDistanceFromPlayer + x.Actor.HitboxRadius))) { var newPrio = prioFunc(enemy.Actor); if (newPrio > ...
Transmog/Glamour Contests: Show off your best outfits and fashion sense! Scavenger Hunts & Riddles: Solve puzzles and uncover hidden treasures. Hide and Seek: Find hidden players across the two game worlds. Dating Game Shows: A fun and unique take on in-game matchmaking. Mus...
Transmog/Glamour Contests: Show off your best outfits and fashion sense! Scavenger Hunts & Riddles: Solve puzzles and uncover hidden treasures. Hide and Seek: Find hidden players across the two game worlds. Dating Game Shows: A fun and unique take on in-game matchmaking. Music RP Ve...
Transmog/Glamour Contests: Show off your best outfits and fashion sense! Scavenger Hunts & Riddles: Solve puzzles and uncover hidden treasures. Hide and Seek: Find hidden players across the two game worlds. Dating Game Shows: A fun and unique take on in-game matchmaking. Music RP Ve...
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