The best thing I ever realized as a long time WoW player who swapped to FF14 was that I could leave and come back whenever I wanted and I wasn't stuck grinding for weeks at a time. At best, I would spend a day or two doing roulettes for gear if I was behind on ilevel for th...
Transmog/Glamour Contests: Show off your best outfits and fashion sense! Scavenger Hunts & Riddles: Solve puzzles and uncover hidden treasures. Hide and Seek: Find hidden players across the two game worlds. Dating Game Shows: A fun and unique take on in-game matchmaking. Music RP Ve...
BEST DEAL $49.36 1 2 3 4 5 Trading Information Getting Cheap Final Fantasy XIV Gils Any Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn player knows the truth: Gil is hard to earn in-game. As such it is easy to waste time farming Final Fantasy XIV Gil. Having extra help such as getting FFXIV Gil...
FFXIV - Get the Best Student of Baldesion set of Apparel! ByJaym0 G'raha Tia's Iconic outfit is finally available as a glam set in Final Fantasy XIV! Find out how to get the Student of Baldesion's favorite clothes! It is time to put yourself in your biggest fan's shoes with the...
Even more minor things like Thancred's love for Minifilia or Moenbryda and Urianger. Meme about Moenbryda all you want but Urianger's scene in Endwalker is one of the best things in the game imo and that doesn't hit as hard if you don't know who she is. Things that in the ...
Sticking to the formula here of grinding Heavensward dungeons on odd levels (51, 53, 55, etc) is still the best for these roles. Use your roulettes to supplement experience on even levels, saving them as long as you can before the daily reset. Levels 61-70 - Heaven On High, Dungeons...
Here at PlayerAuctions, you can simply buy the best FFXIV mounts instead of going through the motions of acquiring and further enhancing them. Browse through our offers today you’ll be riding (or flying) off into the sunset in no time!
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(int i = 1; i < list.Segments.Count; ++i) { float width = list.Segments[i].Min - list.Segments[i - 1].Max; if (width > bestWidth) { bestWidth = width; bestMidpoint = (list.Segments[i].Min + list.Segments[i - 1].Max) / 2; } } return bestMidpoint.Radians...
the Market Board. The app will tell you which world on your Data Center has the item for the cheapest. Teamcraft is an organizer for when you need to craft a large number of things or a complicated craft, andFFXIVCrafting Optimizer will help create the best macro for the selected recipe....