BardMusicPlayerBard Music Player is an automated music player for playing MIDI songs in FFXIV using the Bard's Performance mode. BurningDownTheHouseA tool for FFXIV to manipulate housing items. CMToolClient modding tool. exdreams Desktop Applicationexdreams desktop application. ...
Convert MIDI to bard performance ofFinal Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, featuring multiplayer sync Notice for Patch 5.1 This program is not yet updated for Patch 5.1. I'm sorry that I might not be able to maintain this project for a few months. ...
Also, you need to complete a level 20 MSQ,“Sylph Management”, which realistically should be done by the time you’re looking to unlock Bard. Note that, upon completing A Song of Bards and Bowmen you MUST EQUIP the“Soul of the Bard”to actually formally BECOME a BRD. Interestingly, in...
Overview: A bard deals damage from afar with a bow, and has access to an extensive arsenal of supportive tools. It is primarily a DoT centric job with a multitude of proc based offensive skills that offer a very dynamic and fast paced combat style. Pros: Being ranged and having only one...
xivanalysisAutomated performance analysis and suggestion platform for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. XIVAPI BrowserAn interface for browsing the XIVAPI. xivLeveEvery hour new easy FFXIV leves! The easiest to buy items from the market board to maximize profit doing levequests. ...