Althyk and Nymeia Halone Menphine and her hound, Dalamud You can unlock the raid by meeting up with Deryk and accepting the Return to the Phantom Realm quest. However, you must have finished the “Myths of the Realm’s Algaia Alliance raid” and have a minimum of 595 Item Level. New...
12Sixth Umbral Moon(Althyk) To articulate a singular date of any given year, begin with the numerical day expressed as one of the thirty-two suns in a moon, followed by thenameof that month. For instance, the in-game widget's date of 10/17 would be expressed as "the seventeenth sun...
Hastening (Seeds) Additional new seeds that are added which mature faster (one day) but at a probable (not tested yet) lower percentage of crossbreeding (Cloud Acorn / Althyk Lavender / Voidrake). Cloud Acorn acts similar as Faerie Apple, La Noscean Orange and Lowland Grape but with maturi...
If these really do represent added elemental damage (which we doubt), Thaumaturges, Conjurers and eventually Arcanists might want to choose accordingly: Conjurer: Nopica or Althyk (Earth and Wind) Thaumaturge: Azeyma or Nald’thal (Fire and Ice) If anything changes regarding gods, you’ll f...
: Nymeia, the Spinner : Llymlaen, the Navigator : Oschon, the Wanderer : Byregot, the Builder : Rhalgr, the Destroyer : Azeyma, the Warden : Nald'thal, the Traders : Nophica, the Matron : Althyk, the Keeper :【General Actions】 : Auto-attack : Jump : Limit Break : Sprint :...
Althyk Lavender (1) Pearl Roselle (6) -- Broombush (7) Voidrake (1) -- Chamomile (5) Shroud Tea (6) -- Halone Gerbera (6) Voidrake (1) -- Jute (7) Voidrake (1) -- Nymeia Lily (6) Voidrake (1) -- Pearl Roselle (6) Voidrake (1) -- Ala Mhigan Mustard ...
Althyk's Ring Amber Ring Amethyst Ring Aquamarine Ring Astral Ring Azeyma's Ring B Black Pearl Ring Blessed Ring Boarskin Ring Bone Ring Brass Ring Brass Ring of Crafting Brilliant Egg Ring Byregot's Ring C Chocobo Egg Ring Copper Ring ...
Althyk Lavender (1) Linseed (5) -- Cloud Acorn (1) Midland Basil (5) Linseed (5) Voidrake (1) -- Ala Mhigan Mustard (5) Chamomile (5) -- Black Pepper (5) Linseed (5) -- Chamomile (5) Pearl Ginger Root (5) -- Coerthan Carrot (5) Linseed (5) -- Garlic Clove...
Lily and Serpent Ring Llymlaen's Ring Lominsan Ring M Mad Bird Ring Mage's Ring Malachite Ring Master Goldsmith's Ring Menphina's Ring Meteor Survivor Ring Midnight Egg Ring Mythril Ring Mythril Ring of Crafting N Nald'thal's Ring Nophica's Ring Nymeia's Ring O Oschon's Ring P Pai...
Althyk's Ring Amber Ring Amethyst Ring Aquamarine Ring Arcanist's Ring Astral Ring Augmented Ironworks Ring of Aiming Augmented Ironworks Ring of Casting Augmented Ironworks Ring of Fending Augmented Ironworks Ring of Healing Augmented Ironworks Ring of Slaying Auroral Ring Azeyma...