Feature: Added ability to run a windower command before starting a warp or using a sub command as well as at arrival time. A delay option is also in place for timing the arrival command. Resolved: Outdoor Adoulin areas send the correct final menu packet when warping between waypoints in th...
For those wishing to step it up a notch... We need some chocolate delivered to Lower Jeuno, as well as Tavnazian Safehold. Now we're not saying to run out and get yourself killed... But if you do, we can assure you the reward will be worth your while! Re: 2025-02-09 LIIX ...
2024-02-11 Superbowl San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs Betting is now open for the Superbowl LVII between the 49ers and Chiefs No spread, win/lose, talk to Marshal or Afdeen in Upper Jeuno to make a wager. Your total bet will be a percentage of the total for that team. That...
No amount of petitions will save XI now it's had a good run and it wasn't going to last forever. What they need to do is let Bahamut finish what he was going to do in CoP and then unplug the servers so we can have them on XIV need more on XIV a lot of the servers are stil...
Welcome! おかえりなさい Willkommen! ¡Bienvenido/a! Bienvenue ! Benvenuto/a! Bem-vindo/a! Välkommen! Hoş geldin! Witaj! Selamat datang!Добропожаловать! 欢迎回家