Every master level you gain effectively raises your character level by 1. As you progress, monsters will begin to /check as weaker. For example, a mob in Reisenjima that shows as Very Tough at master level 0 will show as Even Match at level 21. If you are gathering exemplar points in...
drop from "Very Easy Prey" or higher monsters of a corresponding level range. Only one seal may drop at a time. Once every five minutes regardless of how many foes a player slays. Treasure Hunter does not increase the rate of seals, but lowers the time between drops by an unknown ...
Welcome to the Exodus Private FFXI Server based from DSP. We are a server that is capped at the level 75 cap with Wings of The Goddess being the latest expansion. We also have custom content to make the player experience even more enjoyable! Including cu
In order to level geomancers and rune fencers past 70 before the applicable quests are implemented, players may instead complete a limit break quest for another job.New monsters have been introduced to roam the areas appearing in Seekers of Adoulin.The amount of enmity accumulation based upon ...
Hall of Muru: Veiled Ironclad (Subjugator of the Veiled) Hall of Mul: Paramount Botulus or Paramount Gallu (Legendary Legionnaire) Monsters in Legion are aggressive and have area-wide hate once they become aggressive, but DO NOT regen when passive. If a group wipes and successfully reraise...
For maximum chance of getting a free floor, it is suggested to kill all monsters on each floor. The Omen Light Double-Up Campaign also helps significantly by doubling the success chance as 2 numbers will produce per mob killed. If the chosen number is obtained from a monster, no further ...
Players must first complete the level 60 cap quest Blast to the Past by speaking to Ash. Located near the near the tree west of to the maw in Batallia Downs (S). See the Quests page. The levels on the pages are when the corresponding monsters are Tough~Very Tough, and Decent Challe...
Tactical Points (TP) are used by players and monsters to execute Weapon Skills/TP Moves respectively. There are some additional uses for players, like magic Blood Pacts, Dancer Job abilities, and so on, but the primary use is to execute Weapon Skills. This article primarily focuses on Play...
Here, the player may see Job Point totals on each of their unlocked jobs. Acquiring Capacity and Job Points Capacity Points are earned by vanquishing monsters that are level 96 or higher. The amount of Capacity Points earned per kill depends on your item level; the higher you are, the ...
Always Stand on 117 Achieve an item level of 117 and speak to a Records of Eminence NPC. 1 No 200 300 Cipher: Koru-Moru Taming the Wilds Successfully complete a wildskeeper reive. 1 No 200 1000 Kupon AW-WK Skirmisher: Rala Waterways Vanquish the requisite number of monsters in a ...