Display titleCategory:Blue Magic Default sort keyBlue Magic Page length (in bytes)7,398 NamespaceCategory Page ID10658 Page content languageen - English Page content modelwikitext Indexing by robotsAllowed Number of redirects to this page4
is a general magic category available only to Blue Mages. All blue magic spells are enemy abilities that must be learned as a spell by engaging and defeating enemies after the learnable ability is performed. This process must be repeated until the spell is learned. ...
All physical blue magic spell goes through the same damage equation, eg D Value = (D SV WSC) * Multiplier. You are right that some “Physical” blue magic skills takes AGI, but only as a “Secondary” Modifier (WSC), but you forgot that all blue magic will factor in your STR vs En...
I actually had that on my bucket list. It’s the one most important thing to get… I tried a few times on Gorget, I got the nM to pop, kill but no drop … and it’s a pain in the ass to do it. Stone Mufflers is a little easier, just got to find time :D but yea it’...
Blue Magic : Magic Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +6 △ 4~5 Hunt (0 scylds) Bonnacon Ru'Lude Gardens (I-10) Uleguerand Range #1 2~2 Hunt (0 scylds) Eurytos Ru'Lude Gardens (I-10) Middle Delkfutt's Tower #1 Blue Magic : Magic Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +6 △ 2~2...
curprev18:21, 5 November 2020Fabianotalkcontribs11,360 bytes+474added blue mage +2/+3 artifact and relic pieces to the list of blue magic skill equipment bonuses 13 January 2020 curprev21:12, 13 January 2020Atrelaminetalkcontribsm10,886 bytes+87Add Deceiver's Torque...
The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups:Users, moderator. You can view and copy the source of this page. Templates used on this page: Template:Armor(view source) (protected) Template:BG icon(view source) (protected) ...
So I’d say 1 upgrade, but again, paralyze is a very luck-based magic. I wouldn’t say its a bad spell, I’d definitely upgrade this one if there were more merit space. Slow II: 45mp, each upgrades makes it easier to land, and makes it even SLOWER. I read it once on this ...
|Crystal=Lightning |Recipe= *[[Maple Wand]] |NQ=[[Maple Lumber]] |HQ= *HQ1:[[Maple Lumber]] *HQ2:[[Chocobo Feather]] *HQ3:[[Chocobo Feather]] }} }} {{Item NPC Table |Insert NPC List Template= {{Item NPC |NPC Name=Ciqala |Zone=Bastok Markets |position=F-10 |Notes=47 [[...
74 Magic Hammer 4 4 87 Dream Flower 3 4 99 Subduction 6 8 99 Spectral Floe 8 8 Due to the expansive number of items with this bonus. The list below is truncated to level 75. Equipment Modifying Ability Equipment Lvl. Slot Modifier Solon Torque 33 Neck Magic Attack Bonus +1...