3~3 Hunt (40 scylds) Ni'Zho Bladebender Bastok Mines (I-9) Pashhow Marshlands #4 Manafont: Ability Delay -1 -2 -3 ◎ 1~1 Hunt (0 scylds) Bigmouth Billy Northern San d'Oria (E-8) East Ronfaure #2 3~4 Hunt (40 scylds) Yaa Haqa the Profane Port Windurst (B-5) Castl...
Fire, blood, ruins, death. All of these come rushing to my mind in my dreams. They plague me, haunt me, night after night. The same horrible place, the same horrifying scene lies before me. People clad in shining armor falling, one after another, scream...
Quicksilver Blade (130): Ossa Grip -> Elementium Ingot Matsaya (150): Shaper's Shawl -> Prismatic Key Mnejing's Puppetmaster Shop Mnejing is a custom CatsEyeXI NPC located in Aht Urhgan Whitegate at (G-10) which: Accepts trades for Puppetmaster artifact attire commission. Gives players ...
Day of the Shadow Lord During the event, players will occasionally receive the Shadow Lord's storied blade, the Lament, as spoils for completing the Shadow Lord Battle battlefield. Don't miss this opportunity to test your mettle against the Shadow Lord once more, held at the end of August...
As level 60 rolls around and you get Vorpal Blade, so does a perfect belt for the weaponskill. If you can afford the loss of accuracy, put the life belt in storage and full-time this for TP, weaponskills and spells. If not, just macro it in for WS and spells. Obtainable via 10,...
5、修正所有Escha ZiTah 119 试炼的怪物 6、增加NIN Blade Ten、Shun的伤害 7、修正目前掉落Escah Zitah的装备属性Copy to clipboardErrorCopied 2023年5月29日 1、Escha实际上有缺陷,一种NM怪物可能存在于3个点位。当前修正的怪物只修正了一个点位。后期考虑一下继续修正吧。 2、修正一下Hakurui莉莉丝战斗(...
Mimics in Sheol B will exclusively use Hell Trap, an enhanced version of Death Trap which also reduces players TP by 50%.Agon Halos will only appear on floors: 1, 3, 5, and 6 in Sheol B.These Halos are guarded by Antica, Sahagin, and Tonberry beastmen. Floor 6 Agon Beastmen in Sh...