Former Vincent Valentine voice actor Steve Blum confirmed that he will not return to play the character inFFVII Rebirth, part 2 of theFFVII Remakeretelling. A person asked on Twitter if he would return for the role. He responded that he had been recast. [Thanks,Noisy Pixel!] Recommended Vi...
Back in December 2024, Square Enix revealed new details about some of the new mechanics that will appear as part of thedate segment and the new Loveless theater playat the Gold Saucer. Final Fantasy VII Rebirthwill come to thePS5on February 29, 2024, and the exclusivity arrangement ends on ...
FF7 Rebirth launched with an estimated 2.21M daily active users. This would indicate it sold between 2.5M and 3M in its launch period, in-line with my own estimate from earlier in the thread. Which is about half of Remake. An underperformance. 9 months agoPedro...
TheState of Play previewlet us know we’ll have plenty of romance options inFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth,with our choices impacting who Cloud takes on a date to the Golden Saucer. This is an expansion of a mechanic from the original game, with more options and better control over who you wi...
TheFinal Fantasy VII Rebirthcrossover event, which brings the Buster Sword into the game,starts on January 9 and runs until January 30.This three-week window is your only chance to obtain the Buster Sword R5 Heirloom.Additionally, it's your only time to test out the Buster Sword R2R5, wh...
Players Extra es un programa en directo que se hace de Lunes a Jueves (Consulta horarios en nuestro:) 📆Calendario de Retransmisión: 🚀Vente a nuestra ‘Gran Comunidad en Telegram’ ¡NO TE ...
The FFVII Rebirth director also mentioned that a patch is coming to Performance mode. He couldn’t detail everything that will be updated but he mentioned one particular thing that will be addressed. “We have heard feedback from players that in certain situations or character positions, the fa...
FFVII Rebirth was only out for a single day in February, yet ranked twice in the top ten (numbers 2 and 8). That's a strong start. Preorders do count, so it was on sale well before the final day of the month. And no, from who I talked to at Gamestop, its not s...
CGWorld is running a four-part interview with Square Enix director Naoki Hamaguchi to discuss how the power of the PS5 helped with the graphics and assets ofFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth(FFVIIRebirth). Today’s interview focuses on the map, open world, and the sheer volume of the game. [Thanks...