而采用FPGA实现FFT的缘由在于:FPGA具有并行处理、流水线处理、易编程、片上资源丰富等方面特点,用于实现高速、大点数的FFT优势明显。 本设计使用的软件编程环境是Xilinx公司的Vivado 2018.3,笔者将从FFT IP核的创建,模块文件的编写,波形仿真等方面来具体讲解FFT在Xilinx FPGA上的实现。 1.FFT IP核的创建 (1)在Vivado...
The balance of calculation communication and storage is realized and the bottleneck is avoided. It demonstrates that is a feasible method in the high speed DSP.Liu ZhaohuiHan Yueqiu1998 3rd international conference on ASIC proceedingsZ-h. Liu, Y-q. Han, “Implementation of FFT in FPGA ...
“Implementation Options”栏中,Structure中选择乘法器和加法器组合,有4 Mults/2 Adders和3 Mults/5 Adders两种,本例选择前者。Implement Multiplier in代表实现FFT的逻辑资源分配形式,有DSP Blocks/Logic cells、DSP Blocks ONLY和Logic Cells ONLY三种,Logic cells顾名思义就是消耗FPGA的逻辑资源,而DSP Blocks则将...
“Implementation Options”栏中,Structure中选择乘法器和加法器组合,有4 Mults/2 Adders和3 Mults/5 Adders两种,本例选择前者。Implement Multiplier in代表实现FFT的逻辑资源分配形式,有DSP Blocks/Logic cells、DSP Blocks ONLY和Logic Cells ONLY三种,Logic cells顾名思义就是消耗FPGA的逻辑资源,而DSP Blocks则将...
基于FPGA的可配置FFT_IFFT处理器的设计与实现 Design and implementation of FFT_IFFT processor based on FPGA Liang Hexi1,Chen Youhong2,Zheng Zhaoxia2 1.College of Educational Information and Technology,Hubei Normal University, Huangshi 435002,China; 2.Department of Electronic Science and Technology,...
When examining the previous work on configurable real-time (FPGA-based) FFT implementations, we see that the degree of configurability is less than what is desired. In this paper, a new FFT architecture is proposed, which has a high degree of run-time configurability and yet does not ...
This paper presents a FFT implementation using FPGA for fast and area efficient digital multiplier based on Butterfly algorithm. FFT is an efficient tool in signal processing in the linear system analysis. Complex arithmetic modules like multiplier and powering units are now being extensively are ...
Detailed Implementation:设置优化方式和存储类型(Block RAM、Distributed RAM)。 参数配置 FFT长度:FFT长度配置为2的整数次方,如2048点。FFT长度越高,频率分辨率越准确,但占用的资源也越多,处理延迟越大。 数据格式:定点格式(Fixed Point)在FPGA中更易于实现,浮点格式(Float Point)则具有更高的精度。
Implementation of High Speed FFT with Butterfly U nit on FPGA HUA I Y ongjin 1,QU Xiao sheng 2 (1.I nstit ute of Microelect ronics ,CA S ,B ei j ing 100029,P.R.China;2.School of Elect ronics and I nf ormation Engineering ,Bei hang Universit y ,B ei j ing 100083,P.R.Ch...
第二页implementation 第三页 配置完成后,我们可以点击左侧的implementation detail选项卡,看到IP核的具体信息: 其中包含了S_AXIS_DATA_TDATA、S_AXIS_CONFIG_TDATA以及M_AXIS_DATA_TDATA的数据格式,我们需要加以关注: S_AXIS_DATA_TDATA:共32位,其中低16位为输入数据的实部,高16位为输入数据的虚部(但在实际使...