关于FFT频率分辨率 这里涉及到两种意义下的分辨率问题,一种叫“波形频率分辨率 (Waveform frequency resolution”) 或叫视觉频率分辨率 (Visual frequency resolution);另一种则叫做“FFT分辨率”。虽然,这个分类和命名不一定是很专业的术语,但却有助于对“频率分辨率”概念...
这是因为FFT算法的核心思想是将一个长度为N的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)问题分解成两个长度为N/2的DFT问题,并通过递归地分解和合并来实现高效的计算。那么对信号补零会改变什么以及无法改变什么? 先说明结论:使用补零不会改变频率分辨率(Frequency Resolution),但是会减弱栅栏效应(FFT Leakage Effect),提高频谱分辨率...
2 Recording:这里是采集数据的一些设置,包括文件名,连续采样模式选项,采样时间,X 轴宽度,比较直观易懂,这里不做过多叙述 3 Freq:在maximum frequency to analyze 中选择你所要分析的频谱宽度,这里选到5000Hz,那么采样率就会自动设置成10000Hz,FFT Size 最终用于配置frequency resolution,值越大,显示的曲线...
FFT Frequency Resolution There are two aspects of FFT resolution. I’ll call the first one “waveform frequency resolution” and the second one “FFT resolution”. These are not technical names, but I find them helpful for the sake of this discussion. The two can often be confused because w...
我将使用以下等式:3 = P_sig /(k_B * T_N)* sqrt(t / RBW)其中t是积分时间。我注意到t...
FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) is used for frequency analysis in many areas. Frequency resolution is given as the inverse of window length, i. e. observing time. Therefore, if high frequency resolution is required, a long window length is needed. This means that it is difficult to analyze...
Sampling frequency (Hz)80000 mOrder4 代码部分参考Matlab的帮助文档。 clear; clf; close all; % Compensate for Frequency Offset in a QPSK Signal % Compensate for a 4 kHz frequency offset imposed on a noisy QPSK signal. % % Set the parameters. ...
D. 频率跨距(Frequency span)频率跨距为FFT频谱显示的范围,也就是频谱中横轴所显示之终止频率(fStop...
Problem:在示波器上采集一个连续的,周期性的信号,我们希望在示波器上进行FFT计算之后,观察到信号中心频率(Center Frequency)在2.48GHz,频宽(Frequency Span)为5MHz,频谱分辨率(Bandwidth Resolution)为10KHz的频谱图,应该如何设置示波器的采集? 首先,根据频谱分辨率(Bandwidth Resolution)10KHz可以推算出,至少需要采集信号的...
spectrum out is single-sided and scaled. df (Hz) — df (Hz) returns the frequency resolution of the spectrum in hertz. 错误输出 — error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. 上级主题: 换算 本页内容 输入/输出 ...