exportFFMPEG_BINARIES_URL=https://cdn.npmmirror.com/binaries/ffmpeg-static npm install ffmpeg-static Electron & other cross-platform packaging tools Becauseffmpeg-staticwill download a binary specific to the OS/platform, you need to purgenode_modulesbefore (re-)packaging your appfor a different OS...
npm install ffmpeg-for-static Usage To start using this library, you must include it in your project and then you can either use the callback function or through the promise library: var ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg-for-static'); Use the callback function try { new ffmpeg('/path/to/your...
This module is installed via npm: $npminstallffmpeg-static Note:During installation, it will download the appropriateffmpegbinary from theb4.3.1GitHub release. Use and distribution of the binary releases of FFmpeg are covered by their respective license. Electron & other cross-platform packaging tool...
@@ -97,6 +97,13 @@ npm install yarn -g ``` yarn ``` ffmpeg-static 安装超时,可以尝试使用镜像: ``` FFMPEG_BINARIES_URL=https://cdn.npmmirror.com/binaries/ffmpeg-static yarn ``` ### 运行M3U8-Downloader ``` 0 comments on commit 5a37964 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
The npm packages include statically linked binaries that are produced by the following individuals, who have been doing this for many years. Please consider supporting and donating to them: Linux builds: John Van Sickle macOS builds: Helmut K. C. Tessarek Building the project The unzip, tar ...
The npm packages include statically linked binaries that are produced by the following individuals, who have been doing this for many years. Please consider supporting and donating to them: Linux builds:John Van Sickle macOS builds:Helmut K. C. Tessarek ...
ffmpeg static binaries for Mac OSX and Linux and Windows Version5.0.0LicenseGPL-3.0-or-later INSTALL Type:ESMDefault Version: Learn more ReadmeFilesStatisticsBrowse CDN Statistics Requests24 Bandwidth134 kB Top version - 5.0.024 cffmpeg-static 5.0.0 /index.min...
Note: it's highly recommended to use git master builds, because bug fixes and other improvements are added daily.All static builds available here are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. If you appreciate this up-to-date build of FFmpeg and my time that goes into to ...
$ npm install ffmpeg-static 注意:在安装过程中,它将从下载相应的ffmpeg二进制文件。 FFmpeg二进制发行版的使用和分发受其各自的许可证管辖。 电子及其他跨平台包装工具 由于ffmpeg-static将下载特定于操作系统/平台的二进制文件,因此您需要在将应用程序
1. 下载linux下的二进制包 2. 解压文件 3. 添加环境变量 4. 查看是否安装成功 5. 修改npm源...猜你喜欢NodeJS Websocket解密被GZIP压缩过的二进制数据 解密前消息 解密后: {“status”:“error”,“ts”:1605926619229,“id”:"",“err-code”:“bad-request”,“err-msg”:“1, is no...【...