在ffmpeg.exe所在目录,创建一个transcode_h265-to-h264.bat,填入如下内容并保存(根据实际情况修改\\nas\*.MOV,即源视频所在目录): mode con cols=100 lines=3 for %%a in ("\\nas\*.MOV") do "ffmpeg.exe" -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuvid -hwaccel_output_format cuda -c:v hevc_cuvid -noautorotate -...
同样,在TranscodeAndPush方法中,FFmpeg命令行包含了推送流媒体的指令(通过outputUrl指定RTMP URL)。FFmpeg会处理编码和推送的所有步骤。 总结 上述回答和代码示例提供了在C#中使用FFmpeg进行H265编码和多路推流的基本框架。根据您的具体需求,您可能需要调整FFmpeg的参数或处理视频流的逻辑。此外,确保FFmpeg的安装路径、输入...
while retaining the same visual quality. Thus if your hardware is available for H265 files, it's a nice option totranscode H264 to H265since you can not only save storage space of your devices, but also enjoy the equal quality of H264 videos. Moreover, HEVC playback ...
Return on error: error code -3, /home/lab_msdk/buildAgentDir/buildAgent_MediaSDK4/git/mdp_msdk-samples/samples/sample_multi_transcode/src/pipeline_transcode.cpp392 Return on error: error code -3, /home/lab_msdk/buildAgentDir/buildAgent_MediaSDK4/git/mdp_msdk-samples/samples/sample_multi_tr...
c++使用ffmpeg把h264/h265和mp3写入mp4文件,内含ffmpeg库、示例demo、视频素材。 代码片段和文件信息 /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Lukasz Marek * * Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software“) to ...
/** 实现MP4转换成MOV,FLV,TS,AVI文件,不改变编码方式 */ void Transcode::doExtensionTranscode()...
Full hardware transcode with CUVID and NVENC: ffmpeg -hwaccel cuvid -c:v h264_cuvid -i input -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow output If ffmpeg was compiled with support for libnpp, it can be used to insert a GPU based scaler into the chain: ffmpeg -hwaccel_device 0 -hwaccel cuvid -i ...
Description:Executes the Ffmpeg commands to transcode audio and video, while copying or extracting subtitles as needed. 6. Cleanup Description:Performs necessary cleanup tasks after the transcoding process is completed. 7. Reporting Description:Generates a report of the results, providing details about ...
通过ffmpeg -h full 2>/dev/null > ffmpeg.txt导出所有选项的详细说明,可以在里面找到每个选项的详细说明,也可以直接阅读官方文档 ffmpeg-all 想要知道ffmpeg的常规用法可以通过命令man ffmpeg或者阅读官方文档 ffmpeg 关于日期格式、时间格式、视频大小缩写、帧率缩写、颜色、音频通道含义等可以通过命令man ffmpeg-utils...
ffmpeg -i 1080p.mp4 -f h265 -c copy output.264 改变分辨率(1080p -> 640x480) ffmpeg -y -i 1080p.mp4 -s 640x480 output.mp4 改变视频码率(2986kb/s -> 1000kb/s) 设置码率大于原码率是没有意义的,因为重新编码的数据不可能比原来的要清晰 ...