I tested with a clean installation, this time without [OpenCV](http://root@linaro-alip:/home/rock# env GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 QT_GSTREAMER_WIDGET_VIDEOSINK=rkximagesink /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/multimediawidgets/player/player QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME...
ffmpeg的filter⽤起来是和Gstreamer的plugin是⼀样的概念,通过avfilter_link,将各个创建好的filter按 ⾃⼰想要的次序链接到⼀起,然后avfilter_graph_config之后,就可以正常使⽤。 ⽐较常⽤的滤镜有:scale、trim、overlay、rotate、movie、yadif。scale 滤镜⽤于缩放,trim 滤镜⽤ 于帧级剪切,overlay 滤...
Range ▪ FFmpeg XCam video filter ▪ GStreamer XCam filter plugin ▪ Optimized on Intel® GPU, Xeon CPU Build Your Optimized Pipeline 23 Why accessing decode output is too slow • Reasons: – Integrated graphics card uses tiled memory to store decode output, there’s no cache for ...
The default TI SDK uses the hardware accelerators (IVAHD) for encode/decode operation. This acceleration is enabled via GStreamer and more specifically by the GST Ducati plugin. There is no support for hardware accelerated encode via ffmpeg, request you to use the GStreamer interface as documente...
ffmpeg的filter⽤起来是和Gstreamer的plugin是⼀样的概念,通过avfilter_link,将各个创建好的filter按 ⾃⼰想要的次序链接到⼀起,然后avfilter_graph_config之后,就可以正常使⽤。 ⽐较常⽤的滤镜有:scale、trim、overlay、rotate、movie、yadif。scale 滤镜⽤于缩放,trim 滤镜⽤ 于帧级剪切,overlay 滤...
ffmpeg的filter⽤起来是和Gstreamer的plugin是⼀样的概念,通过avfilter_link,将各个创建好的filter按⾃⼰想要的次序链接到⼀起,然后avfilter_graph_config之后,就可以正常使⽤。 ⽐较常⽤的滤镜有:scale、trim、overlay、rotate、movie、yadif。scale 滤镜⽤于缩放,trim 滤镜⽤于帧级剪切,overlay 滤镜...
"I'm using SDL for my program" Thanks 0 Kudos Reply 10-07-2012 08:23 PM 3,858 Views fengwei NXP Employee Would it be possible to hook libav to lib-imx directly in order to get the hardware accelerated video or does it have to be through Gstreamer? Yes! "App-Video-...
Solved: I am using the multi_camera_multi_target python demo based on a the docker image openvino / ubuntu18_runtime: 2021.1 The GStreamer opencv
ffmpeg的filter⽤起来是和Gstreamer的plugin是⼀样的概念,通过avfilter_link,将各个创建好的filter按 ⾃⼰想要的次序链接到⼀起,然后avfilter_graph_config之后,就可以正常使⽤。⽐较常⽤的滤镜有:scale、trim、overlay、rotate、movie、yadif。scale 滤镜⽤于缩放,trim 滤镜⽤ 于帧级剪切,overlay 滤镜...