此种情况wanted_spec.callback=NULL // 2) 音频设备打开后播放静音,不启动回调,调用SDL_PauseAudio(0)后启动回调,开始正常播放音频 wanted_spec.freq = is->p_acodec_ctx->sample_rate; // 采样率 wanted_spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; // S表带符号,16是采样深度,SYS表采用系统字节序 wanted_spec.chann...
ffmpeg -i C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\111\疾速追杀.mp4 -codec:v copy -codec:a copy -map 0 -f ssegment -segment_format mpegts -segment_list C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\aaa\疾速追杀.m3u8 -segment_time 10 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\aaa\疾速追杀%05d.ts -cpu-used 1 1. 注意:其他...
SDL_UnlockMutex(is->video_frm_queue.mutex);// 是否要丢弃未能及时播放的视频帧if(frame_queue_nb_remaining(&is->video_frm_queue) >1)// 队列中未显示帧数>1(只有一帧则不考虑丢帧){frame_t*nextvp = frame_queue_peek_next(&is->video_frm_queue);// 下一帧:下一待显示的帧duration = vp_dur...
iformat:输入视频的AVInputFormat nb_streams :输入视频的AVStream 个数 streams :输入视频的AVStream []数组 duration :输入视频的时长(以微秒为单位) bit_rate :输入视频的码率 AVInputFormat 每种封装格式(例如FLV, MKV, MP4, AVI)对应一个该结构体。
ffmpeg -i "test.flv" -y -f image2 -ss 8 -t 0.001 -s 350x240 'test.jpg' 转换为3gp: ffmpeg -y -i test.mpeg -bitexact -vcodec h263 -b 128 -r 15 -s 176x144 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 22500 -ab 24 -f 3gp test.3gp
ffmpeg -h decoder=flv 控制台的输出是: Decoder flv [FLV / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263(Flash Video)]:Threadingcapabilities:no Supported pixelformats:yuv420p 完整的帮助是非常长的,请参见本章末尾的格式化解决方案,下面我给大家接了一个图,这是在我的电脑上显示的结果: ...
Sometimes it might be necessary to mix CPU and GPU processing. For example you may need to decode on the CPU, because the format is unsupported on the GPU decoder, or because a filter is not available on the GPU. In those cases, you can’t use the -hwaccel cuvid or -hwaccel cuda fl...
ffmpeg -i video_origine.avi -ab 56 -ar 44100 -b 200 -r 15 -s 320x240 -f flv video_finale.flv 13.将.avi转成dv ffmpeg -i video_origine.avi -s pal -r pal -aspect 4:3 -ar 48000 -ac 2 video_finale.dv 或者: ffmpeg -i video_origine.avi -target pal-dv video_finale.dv ...
因为我在解决上一个问题时codehgfs下移Linux下,所configure产生config.mak里的路径还Make./configureffmpeg 3gp,mp4faad2bugFFmpeg/libavcodec/faad.c然后再重新编译或者修改libavcodec/faad.cThatmeansffmpegcouldnotloadfaacDecGetErrorMessagesymbolfromlibfaad.so.0library.Firstyoushouldcomfirmthatlibfaad.so.0libraryis...