-frame_size<int>E..A. -qcomp<float>E.V.. video quantizer scale compression (VBR) -qblur<float>E.V.. video quantizer scale blur (VBR) -qmin<int>E.V.. min video quantizer scale (VBR) -qmax<int>E.V.. max video quantizer scale (VBR) -qdiff<int>E.V.. max difference between t...
-vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream) -timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff set initial TimeCode value. -pass n select the pass number (1 to 3) -vf filter_graph set video filters -ab bitrate audio bitrate (please use -b:a) -b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v) ...
bass Boost or cut lower frequencies. biquad Apply a biquad IIR filter with the given coefficients. channelmap 重新映射或改变音频流中的各个声道。它能够选择性地改变声道的顺序,或者从多声道音频中剥离出特定的声道。 channelsplit 将每个声道作为单独的单声道音频流输出 chorus Add a chorus effect to the ...
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -i 2.mp4 -i 3.mp4 -i 4.mp4 -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=640x480[base];[0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=320x240[upperleft];[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale=320x240[upperright];[2:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=320x240[lowerleft];[3:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,scale...
-vol volume 设置录制音量大小(默认为256) <百分比> ,某些DVDrip的AC3轨音量极小,转换时可以用这个提高音量,比如200就是原来的2倍 -newaudio 在现在的音频流后面加入新的音频流 字幕选项:-sn 取消字幕 -scodec codec 设置字幕编码('copy' to copy stream) ...
To help lower the learning curve, we’ve put together this guide to break down some of the code and functions available on FFmpeg. This FFmpeg tutorial will help you understand how it works. In this post, we’ll cover how to set up FFmpeg on Linux, Mac, and Windows, and how to ...
Give the gain at whichever is the lower of ~22 kHz and the Nyquist frequency. Its useful range is about -20 (for a large cut) to +20 (for a large boost). Beware of clipping when using a positive gain. frequency, f 设置频点,默认3000Hz. ...
Unofficial FFmpeg with added custom native Visual Studio project build tools. FFmpeg: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - FFmpeg/doc/encoders.texi at d013c6da80003cb4b577867d1f091e47a0fe3776 · wwwxxxwwwwx
jpeg2000 AVOptions: -lowres <int> .D.V.. Lower the decoding resolution by a power of two (from 0 to 32) (default 0)MJPEG decoder AVOptions: -extern_huff <int> .D.V.. Use external huffman table. (from 0 to 1) (default 0)mpeg1video encoder AVOptions:...
[Parsed_volumedetect_0 0xa23120] histogram_8db: 2551 [Parsed_volumedetect_0 0xa23120] histogram_9db: 4609 [Parsed_volumedetect_0 0xa23120] histogram_10db: 8409 它意味着: 平均音量是-27dB,或 10……-2.7 最大音量点为-4dB或者说介于-4dB 到-5dB ...