//输出DirectShow支持的设备列表 ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy //打开摄像头 ffmpeg -f dshow -i video=”Camera” //打开摄像头和麦克风 ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Camera":audio="Microphone" //输出选择设备支持的选项列表 ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -i video="Camera" 5...
}//Show Dshow Device Optionvoidshow_dshow_device_option(){ AVFormatContext* pFormatCtx =avformat_alloc_context(); AVDictionary* options =NULL;av_dict_set(&options,"list_options","true",0); AVInputFormat* iformat =av_find_input_format("dshow");printf("===Device Option Info===\n");avfor...
查看视频录制的可选参数 ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i video="screen-capture-recorder" 播放视频 ffplay /** ffmpeg将视频分割 ffmpeg命令eg: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i test.mp4 -c copy -t 600 output.mp4 此处是将视频test.mp4从00:00:00处分割600s,分割出的视频名字是output.mp4 ffmpeg ...
[dshow @ 05a2d6c0] DirectShow audio only device options (from audio devices) [dshow @ 05a2d6c0] Pin "Capture Virtual Audio Pin" (alternative pin name "1") [dshow @ 05a2d6c0] min ch=2 bits=16 rate= 48000 max ch=2 bits=16 rate= 48000 ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i ...
ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -i audio="麦克风 (2- USB2.0 MIC)" image 麦克风(2- USB2.0 MIC)信息 6、本地视频的推流 先进行简单的本地视频推流模拟,我们在ffmpeg的目录下放置一个视频,然后cmd进入该目录,把视频推流至rtmp://为rtmp服务器地址、live为ng...
```bash ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i audio="麦克风 (Realtek Audio)" ``` 指定参数录制音视频 代码语言:javascript 复制 ```bash ffmpeg -f dshow -i audio="麦克风(Realtek Audio)" -f dshow -i audio="virtual-audio-capturer" -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=first:dropout_tran...
ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i audio="virtual-audio-capturer“ [dshow @ 05a2d6c0] DirectShow audio only device options (from audio devices) [dshow @ 05a2d6c0] Pin "Capture Virtual Audio Pin" (alternative pin name "1") [dshow @ 05a2d6c0] min ch=2 bits=16 rate= 48000 ma...
AVFoundation input device AVOptions: -list_devices <int> .D... list available devices (from 0 to 1) (default false) true .D... false .D... -video_device_index <int> .D... select video device by index for devices with same name (starts at 0) (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default...
ffmpeg -list_options true -f dshow -i video="Integrated Camera" 输出如下: [plain]view plaincopy [dshow @ 03845420] DirectShow video device options [dshow @ 03845420] Pin "鎹曡幏" [dshow @ 03845420] pixel_format=bgr24 min s=640x480 fps=15 max s=640x480 fps=30 ...
C:\Users\admin>ffmpeg-list_optionstrue-fdshow-ivideo="Chicony USB2.0 Camera" ffmpeg version git-2020-08-16-5df9724 Copyright (c)2000-2020the FFmpeg developers built withgcc10.2.1 (GCC)20200805 configuration:--enable-gpl--enable-version3--enable-sdl2--enable-fontconfig--enable-gnutls--enable...