Google Colab compatibility I'll add a note to the start of the section - that's a great suggestion. Sorry, something went wrong. sanchit-gandhimentioned this issueSep 1, 2023 CWKSCcommentedOct 10, 2023 Hey@CWKSC! Sorry just to clarify - how is the line in the code 'skipped'? Does ...
Works in Windows, Linux and Anaconda. Works in the Google Colab notebook. Infeasible in the MacOS. That ffmpeg didn't supports NVIDIA at all.* The ffmegcv GPU reader is a bit slower than CPU reader, but much faster when use ROI operations (crop, resize, pad).Code...
joelwebbcommentedJan 17, 2023 in google colab I had the same issue when trying to import this: from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip then did !pip install imageio==2.4.0and then restarted the kernal, and it worked for me. Sorry, something went wrong....
example is included whisper-in-colab-batch-microphe-mp3-conversion-with-gradio.ipynb If you need to quickly get overview of what particular conversation, mp4, mp4 is all about there is ready to use nootbook as example 2.5h mp3 file was taken